Our bodies are stressed out these days from all of the exposure it gets on a daily basis: toxic drugs (including sugar, caffeine and excess alcohol), lack of sleep, medications that strip the body of nutrients, metals in our: antacids, baking soda (aluminum), calcium supplements (lead), vaccinations (mercury), dental fillings (mercury), toxic environmental chemicals from factories, additives and toxins in our foods (pesticides), toxic molds and electromagnetic waves (microwaves, cell phones, electrical wires). The list goes on and on. If there’s ever a time that our body needs more support on an around clock, daily basis, it is NOW.
The easiest way to give the body the support it needs is to feed it consistently with nutrient dense foods. The old saying ‘you are what you eat’ is entirely true. Our body responds favorably when we put nutritionally dense foods in our body on a consistent basis. Nutritionally dense foods include: vegetables and fruits (known as carbohydrates), protein sources (meat, fish (more on the right fish in the following post), and organic eggs), healthy fats (safflower, olive, sunflower oils, heavy cream and even organic butter). At every meal these three macronutrients (fats, protein, carbohydrates) should be consumed in a ratio that’s suitable to you and your metabolic type. The macronutrients provide all of the vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids that you need to fight off inflammation and strengthen the body’s ability to restore and repair. What we put into our mouths in a twenty-four hour period affects how our body responds. Optimal nutrition feeds our brain giving it the approval to absorb all of the raw materials it needs to foster the structure of brain cells and to keep all communications open and functioning at best.
When bodies are stressed they become depleted in nutritional deficiencies: fatty acids, Vitamin Ds, A and Ks, B vitamins, amino acids. Without these nutrients cells die and overall wellness declines. As a FDN practitioner I do support the client by assessing potential nutritional deficiencies and giving the tools necessary to boost those deficiencies on an as needed basis. I also assist the client in identifying what ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will give them the long-term support that their body needs.
If there’s anything to take from this article it is ‘Become what you eat’. Begin to focus on what you put into your mouth every time you consume food. Optimal nutrition will serve your body right and give your body the tools it needs to support restore and repair. Eat healthy, Be Healthy.
Be well,