You’ve visited your doctor with complaints: fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido, sleep problems, digestive issues, hormonal, depressed, fogginess, cold, body aches, irritable… you get the idea. The physician will assess these areas of complaints by addressing the symptoms: sleep problems- a sleep pill; depression- an anti-depressant; hormonal issues- a birth control pill; an anti-inflammatory for the aches and so on. This means may target the symptoms and may even offer relief care; all of which you need. But is it?
Symptoms are an expression of the body telling you that something isn’t working right. And when we don’t pay attention to the first symptoms, others follow. Attempting to quell symptoms is like trying to put a band-aid over a nail in your foot. The nail remains and so do the symptoms. All the bandaid offers is a ‘cover up’. Allow me to explain further.
The body has a built in de-stressing system. When it’s tapped on a chronic level, fatigue sets in, the thyroid is instructed to work harder, sleep becomes less of a priority and therefore the body can’t repair, sleep affects appetite and weight gain, the digestive system becomes cranky and smelly, and chats constantly with the brain (foggy thinking?), the enteric nervous system that regulates mood resides in the digestive system so irratibility sets in and the sex hormones get stolen to support the de-stressing system so there are none left to enjoy lovemaking. No wonder you feel like crap and all the symptom-chasing pills will not support your needs.
Are you chasing symptoms? Get to the root cause. I can help.