Swelling, pain, irritation, mood swings, chronic, fatigue, poor energy, poor recovery, autoimmunity, neurological symptoms and weight gain are just some of the symptoms one can experience with chronic inflammation. If you can’t ‘put your finger on’ why you aren’t feeling well; inflammation is the culprit.
Where does chronic inflammation come from? In the functional world there are 9 specific areas:
- Sugar and refined foods.
- Hidden food sensitivities
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Toxins including heavy metals
- Digestive Issues
- Stress
- Inadequate/Excessive exercise.
- Insufficient sleep.
- Chronic infections.
I refer to the 9 above as H.I.D.D.E.N. stressors. All of these stressors affect the Hormone, Immune, Digestive, Detoxification, are impacted by the Environment and affect Neurotransmitters (our calming mechanisms).
Are you inflamed? If so, reach out to one of us in the functional world. We are here to help.
Be well,