Archive for the ‘Popular Articles’ Category

“Why diseases don’t exist and what really makes you sick”

The title is quoted from Dr. Hyman’s recent blog. Dr. Hyman is a functional medicine doctor and mainstream well-recognized guru in the field of functional medicine. I encourage you to read this particular blog from top to bottom if:

  • You are 1 in 2 (yikes!) Americans that experience a chronic illness 
  • You have been give a name (chronic fatigue syndrome) for your illness, then it’s blamed (it’s because you have chronic fatigue syndrome) for your illness and then it was attempted to be tamed (here’s a medication).  
  • You don’t have results and are stuck in sickness.

My apologies if this comes across too harsh but the information is necessary.

Please read the blog here 

Always in your interest to be well,


Cauliflower pizza crust- super easy to make GF, Paleo and grain free

IMG_3213I recall the days of making cauliflower pizza crust for my son when he was on the ketogenic diet.  My family found it surprisingly delicious.  At that time the recipe we acquired was a bit more labor intensive.  Being the hunter that I am, I found a new-to-me recipe that cuts down the preparation to 10 minutes but  do allow 55 minutes for baking time (can’t seem to reduce the baking time yet).  Did I mention the total recipe only requires 3 main ingredients?


2 pounds cauliflower florets, riced
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup soft goat cheese (chevre)
1 teaspoon dried oregano
pinch of salt


Preheat your oven to 400F, then get to work on your crust.

Step 1: Begin by making your cauliflower “rice.”

Simply pulse batches of raw cauliflower florets in a food processor, until a rice-like texture is achieved.

Step 2: Cook & Strain the rice.

Fill a large pot with about an inch of water, and bring it to a boil. Add the “rice” and cover; let it cook for about 4-5 minutes. Drain into a fine-mesh strainer.

Now here comes the secret:

Once you’ve strained the rice, transfer it to a clean, thin dishtowel.

Wrap up the steamed rice in the dishtowel, twist it up, then SQUEEEEEEEZE all the excess moisture out! (Be careful not to burn your hands!)

It’s amazing how much liquid will be released, which will leave you with a nice and dry pizza crust.


Step 3: Make & Shape the dough.

In a large bowl, mix up your strained rice, beaten egg, goat cheese, and spices.

Don’t be afraid to use your hands! You want it very well mixed.

It won’t be like any pizza dough you’ve ever worked with, but don’t worry– it’ll hold together!

Press the dough out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. (It’s important that it’s lined with parchment paper, which is not to be confused with WAX paper– they’re very different!) ON a side note I used a silicone mat.  

Keep the dough about 1/3″ thick, and make the edges a little higher for a “crust” effect, if you like.

Step 4: Bake!

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 400F.

It’s that easy and absolutely delicious.

Be well,


P.S.  I need to spread credit where credit is due: thanks to for this updated recipe.

Register for a FREE WEBINAR: Learn how to NOT get the flu this season (whether you’ve had the flu shot or not)

Join me in a FREE Webinar and learn how to prevent getting sick with the flu or any other virus or infection running rampant.  

We know that the actual flu virus only affects 5% to 20% of the American population.  The remainder of spreading results from other viral strains.  When affected the average recovery may take up  to 20 days.  

What you’ll learn:

  • It’s not your coworkers or your children that give you the flu
  • The triggers that make you vulnerable to get the flu and other infections 
  • That you don’t have to give up all of your favorite foods to feel great
  • You have complete power over your health.

Be sure to register and please share with others.

The date for the webinar is Monday, January 18th at 5:00pm PST  I’ll keep it brief but chocked full of tools you can walk away with. 

Register by clicking this link.

Helping you find the tools to be well,

Be well,



rc1Welcome to Advocate for Healing.  

My name is Lynn Altieri-Need and I have one mission:

to help families find the tools they need so they can heal

You may find me discussing through podcasts, webinars and blogging:   Kids Health 101, Nutrition for Seizures, Stress Hormones and digestion as my main focuses but you’ll see by my testimonials that my training as a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner can help with nearly any symptom or illness that plagues an individual.   After all, I don’t treat the symptoms, I support the individual.  I don’t “guess”, I “test”. Come visit with me for a complimentary 30 minute consultation and be sure to sign up for updates on the right so you can be “in the know” of the most current knowledge available.

The best functional lab test for complex illnesses

I hear so often from my clients that they’ve visited their doctor and that their lab tests are ‘normal’ or that they can’t find anything wrong even though my clients feel like crap (Diagnosis code ‘FLC’!).  In the functional world of nutrition we are looking less at symptoms and more at systems.  Hormones, the Immune system, digestion, detoxification, and neurotransmitters.  We are interested in stress hormones, sex hormones, the integrity of the digestive system, the backbone to energy (your mitochondria), the maximum ability to detoxify, nutritional deficiencies, the absorption of fatty acids, and if there are infections present.  It’s a multi-faceted approach targeted at one interest:  

Identifying the internal stressors and what supports need to be put in place.  

There is one test that can assess all of the above.  It’s referred to as the Organic Acids Test and it measures metabolism and assesses the body’s absorption of key nutrients.  It’s been invaluable in the field of biomedical intervention for application with:

Children with autism
Digestive Issues
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Neurological Disorders
Seizure disorders
Movement disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Tic Disorders
and so much more.

The great news is this test can be done in the comfort of your own home, via urine.  The kit can be shipped and the results come to me to evaluate and discuss.  You can read more about an organic acids test here.  Please note, an organic acids test ordered through an allopathic physician does not offer the same detail that a functional organic acid test offers. 

If you are experiencing any of the above disorders or want more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Stay tune for a webinar on this subject.

Be well,


Are you one of these women?

Dr. Sara Gottfried, Harvard trained gynecologist and author of “the Hormone Cure”, conducted a quantitative study among 6000 of her female client base.  She deduced that

91% of women want more energy,

80% want a better sex drive and

69% want a better mood.

Are you one of these? If so review my FREE webinar here.  Understand that it’s you, it’s your hormones.  

Be well,


P.S. the one-on-one session seems to be my hot sell.  Currently the group session is not being offered.  If you are interested in a group session feel free to contact me.

Is your immune system ready for the new year?

We fear influenza even describing it as an encroaching “season” trending from December through February.  Yet, during the flu “season” only 5% to 20% of Americans will actually experience the flu strain.  Currently the flu vaccine only protects from three strains and like a toss of a coin, we hope that the vaccine manufacturers selected the best strains to innoculate us with. How can that be when so many students seem to be sick from school and adults seems to transfer sickness like ‘wildfire’?  Often times we mistaken another viral or bacterial infection for the “flu strain”.   So is the flu shot the best shot at preventing us from getting sick or is there another way?

Whether we ‘catch’ the flu or another virus or bacterial infection depends on the strength of our immune system.  Our immune system is designed to ‘protect and defend’ from perceived foreign substances.  When it’s overloaded our immune system cannot resist an infection nor can it recover as quickly as we’d like (this is often why an infection can last from 4 days to 2 weeks).  

In the functional world we test to identify WHAT the body perceives as foreign substances and then reduces those substances so that the body is not in a hyper-immune-reactive state. These are typically substances that we have control over:  the foods we eat, sugar, a healthy digestive system, sleep, exercise. This allows the body to”make room” for infections that we may be exposed to and have no control over.  When the immune system is strong, an individual rarely falls ill, regardless of who’s sneezing and coughing in their vicinity.  When the immune system is in a constant state of having to “attack and defend”  it falls weak and is entirely vulnerable to all that comes its way.   

A strong immune system can help ward off not only the flu and other infections but even environmental allergies.  These are all tools that I can teach you for life.  

Be well in the New Year,




Balance the holiday festivities with these top 7 “how to’s”

The holidays are a time for gathering with family and friends.  It’s social for adults, families and children and typically involves foods that we may not indulge in on a consistent basis throughout the year but  are ever present at every event we attend.  So how do you get through the holiday festivities enjoying the foods and drinks but while also keeping your health intact?  The largest focus is to not create a total stress load on your body.  I often use the bathtub analogy which I won’t go into here.  But in essence, keep your tub from overflowing by not over-indulging.  For example all of these indulgences in a day may fill your tub to the rim:  3 cookies, eating dairy which you know doesn’t agree with you, a sugary drink which will keep you up half the night, stressed out from last minute holiday shopping  and travel, etc.  Sound familiar?  Here are 7 great how to’s to help keep your tub ‘low’ and help you keep in balance.

  1.  If it’s a potluck, bring a dish you know that you’ll enjoy and can meet your dietary needs (whatever those needs may be: ie., no dairy, no wheat, no corn, no sugar, etc).  For examples, I am strict about abstaining from dairy, so I’ll bring hummus.  Or my son needs to eat gluten free, so I’ll be sure to pack gluten free crackers (whether I’m asked to bring a dish or not).
  2. Eat the veggies that are offered first.  It’s best to fill up on nutrient dense foods before indulging in the “treats” whatever they may be.
  3. Try to keep with the real food options.  In other words, skip the prepackaged potato salad, fruit/whipped salad, store bought cookies, etc.   Eat home made meat skewers, veggies, avocado dips, etc.   These items require few ingredients and should be closer to “real”.  
  4. Stay away from the “treats” table.  Place yourself in a different location, as far away as possible.
  5. If you are going to indulge (just can’t commit to #4); do so with only one item.   Scan the options that are being offered and acknowledge that you will have the chocolate truffle that’s been waving to you from across the room.  BUT eat the veggies, meat options and other health “real food” items first.  
  6. Enjoy a beverage of your choice without sugars.  And if you do choose alcohol, try to refrain from sugary additives: fruit juices, syrups, etc.  Added sugars create an added toxic load on the liver and may even keep you awake half of the night.  Instead, opt for soda water as an additive with lemons or limes.  
  7. Alternate an alcoholic beverage with water.  I love soda water and that becomes my alternative.  (I will often bring this to a party as well as that I have this as an option).

Have fun.  Enjoy your time with friends and family.  And most of all…. be well.


P.S. if you have other ideas on how to maintain a healthy balance through the holidays please share.  I’d love to hear from you.  

My gift to you…

Thank you for giving me and Advocate for Healing the support you have in 2015.  It’s been an incredible year of learning, successes and more learning.  I couldn’t be more grateful.  

I have included a small gift that I even wrapped for you :).  Even though it’s small, it’s packed with extremely valuable information for any woman struggling with fatigue, weight gain, mood fluctuations, sleepless nights, hot flashes, PMS, chronic illnesses or more.  Please register your email to receive your free gift.  If you’ve already added your email, do so again and the system will send you the Ebook immediately.

I have exciting offerings for 2016 including webinars, podcasts and more information to improve you and your family’s health.  

Thank you again for a wonderful year.  

Be well,


Ritalin is a class 2 narcotic, just like cocaine

I often get caught up in working with clients that I forget to communicate to all of you what I’m up to these days.  I have a passion to help all individuals get healthy and children are at the top of my priorities.  Perhaps it’s because I’ve had success with my own child, with helping other parents and knowing that if we intervene now, children may have a long term prognosis that defies the odds.

Currently 3.5 million American children are diagnoses with ADHD and are being treated. The first line of “treatment” is a class 2 narcotic chemically known as methylphenidate; brand names are Ritalin, Concerta, Medikinet and Equasym.  Cocaine is also considered a class 2 narcotic.  All of these “treatments” pose a long-term risk of addiction, as the tolerance increases with time, so  does the dosage. 

Serious side effects include sudden death, seizures, an increase in diagnosis for developing bi-polar behaviors, new psychotic symptoms, etc.    Other non-serious side effects include sleep problems and loss of appetite (266 percent experienced the latter in a recent study).    Sleep problems and loss of appetite can result in increased “ADHD” behaviors: hyperactivity, lack of focus, anxiety, etc.  (Remember, parents there is no blood test for ADHD/ADD.  It’s based on a set of symptoms).

In other words, “treatment” may need to be an immediate plan, but is NOT a long term plan.  One must dig deeper to identify the source of these symptoms.  Dr. Charles Gant, a pioneer in functional medicine and one of my mentors refers to the symptoms of ADD as this:

Absolutely 100% of human beings, without exception, can be made to display the symptoms of inattentiveness by simply driving their brains into a chemical imbalance, either with enough of a toxin exposure (brain poisoning) and/or with enough of a nutritional deficiency (brain starvation).

So how do I assess chemical imbalances, brain poisoning and nutritional deficiencies?  I use functional testing, rather than guessing.  Functional testing assesses the performance of the brain, the levels of toxins, the ability of the body to detoxify (an essential piece) and nutritional deficiencies (that can result from poor digestion/absorption).  I won’t go into huge detail but here’s a recent example.

A parent approached me about their child’s symptoms.  ‘Getting going’ in the morning was just one area identified by the mother as an area of focus.  ‘Getting going’ potentially indicated a deficiency in dopamine.  Ritalin addresses dopamine deficiency. Through comprehensive testing I identified numerous deficiencies, three of them being vitamin c, b6 and folate.  ALL of these are considered co-factors to dopamine.  This means that the body CANNOT make dopamine without adequate levels of vitamin c, b6 and folate.   This child could not ‘get going’ because she wasn’t absorbing/assimilating the correct co-factors to MAKE dopamine.  

Here are other areas that you can begin supporting now:

  1.  Reduce as much as possible sugar.  It spikes blood sugar and creates chemical chaos in the brain.
  2. Support your child with cod liver oil (450mg of DHA minimum).   Fatty acid deficiency is associated with behavioral issues, hyperactivity and inability to focus. 
  3. Explore a true elimination diet or get tested for food sensitivities.
  4. Get them out exercising EVERY day.  Exercise has been demonstrated in numerous studies to reduce the behaviors associated.  In one study it was revealed that 26 minutes of physical activity each day helped to significantly reduce ADHD symptoms in grade-schoolers.
  5. Digestive health (gut-brain connection).  How the gut performs is how the brain performs.
  6. Keep your child away from food colorings, preservatives.

I know you have a lot on your plate, parents.  I’ve been there.  Dig deeper, get support in developing that long term plan.

Be well,
