For today

Four years ago, today, my son’s seizures ended.  I remember that day very clearly. Every day, for 18 months prior, we posted on a spreadsheet the number of seizures that we would witness each day.  At times, the documentation became disheartening, too many seizures to admit to.  But  two weeks before July 24, 2011 we noticed that the number of seizures were decreasing.  My son appeared to have more energy and “looked” as though he was feeling improved.   On July 24th not one of us adults (mother-in-law,  my husband nor I) commented to each other that we had noticed that there were no seizures.  I think, in a sense, we were holding our breath until the end of the day, hoping that there truly were no more seizures to come and what we experienced was real.  July 24th, 2011 was the first day of the end of his seizures.

Today, we celebrate 4 tremendous years of true recovery.  There are times when I flinch or jump or my heart skips a beat, but I rebound reminding myself that  that reality was yesterday.  Today’s energy is put forth to those I can help find similar tools.

I hugged Koa this morning and told him how important today was.   He responded so excited and asked ‘so today can be about me’?    Yes, I said, just like every other day 🙂

Be well,


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