Genetics do not cause epidemics.

“Genetics load the gun, the environment pulls the trigger”.

Over the past 20 years, autism has increased from 1 in every 2,500 to 10,000 births to 1 in every 150-166 births.   Some experts believe that today there are approximately 1.5 million children on the autism spectrum disorder.  Some argue that it’s simply a case of misdiagnosis.  If so, where are all of the 30 something adults with autism?

Autism is not the only disorder that has increased exponentially.    ADHD has increased by at least 400 percent, targeting 3.5 million children.  Recently, I heard an ad on the radio that reported latest research indicates that 1 in 5 high school children have been diagnosed with ADHD.  Asthma has increased by 300 percent and Allergies affect 20% of all children in the United States. 

Add these numbers together and this totals 1/3 of all American children.  Twenty million children are suffering from one or more than one of the only four major epidemics mentioned this article. 

It’s important to mention that not one of these disorders: autism, ADHD, asthma, or allergies is related to one particular gene.  There is no “autism” gene, nor an “ADHD” gene and the same goes for asthma and allergies.  Rather all of the four A diagnosis’ are a result of a metabolic breakdown.  Progressive Doctors, not necessarily “alternative” Doctors are observing this first hand.  Dr. Mark Hyman, a functional medical doctor, practices “treat the body and heal the brain” with his patients, including children diagnosed with autism.  His results, although not guaranteed, prove his findings.  Many of the children that he treats with the whole body approach are recovering, some slightly, some miraculously from a diagnosis that was thought to be incurable.  Dr. Kenneth Bock is another MD, who also has experienced mild to extensive recoveries with children diagnosed with asthma, autism, allergies and ADHD.   Fortunately, the shift from “it’s genetic” to “it’s metabolic” is hitting the practitioner community heavily.  Dr. Bock and Dr. Hyman may be pioneers in this form of thinking but there are growing numbers of practitioners that are jumping on board.

As a parent I can attest for a year we worked with the “it’s genetic” theory.  My son’s seizures increased and cognitively he declined.  For the six months following we changed our approach entirely to a metabolic assessment.  By doing so and addressing his body, we were able to help his brain heal and recover. 

More on ‘why is this happening to our children’ tomorrow.

For today, be well,


*Estimates taken from Dr. Kenneth Bock’s book “Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders”

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