Hormones making you crazy? Blame it on the amygdala.

anxietygirlHormonal imbalances can be at their wildest during the perimenopausal years; that is the 10 years before the onset of menopause.  In that 10 years first your progesterone levels drop and then eventually your estrogen levels.  For many women, they may feel as though their caught in a horrific storm with no end in sight.  There is no pattern and every woman is an individual destined for a time of potential hot flashes, weight gain, emotional rides and bleeding hell.  Yes, these symptoms may be common but they are not normal.  If you are not sure if this pertains to you refer to my article “Have you entered perimenopause yet?”

Fluctuating hormones  are part of a feedback loop involving  a very special part of the brain referred to as the limbic system.  In the limbic system the hypothalmus , the pituitary and the amygdala are the majors in  charge of determining hormone levels throughout the body.  For those of you that have seen my Brain/Body Diagram, this is a reminder that the brain and body and the body and the brain are always communicating.  It’s a two way street.

The amygdala is the part of the brain that takes in stress and environmental input and manufactures your emotional and mental response.  Women especially between the ages 35 to 40 are greatly affected by the brain-hormone feedback loop.   Because the hormones are fluctuating there is a mismatch in the trigger and response by the amygdala. It works something like this: the hormones sputter, the brain gets the signal, stress is perceived in the outside world (a co-worker frustrates you) and the amygdala manufactures an emotional response (makes you cry).    Typically this would not be the emotion of your choice but it was the amygdala who did the interpretation.  So what to do? Blame it on the amygdala!

Many of you may be thinking…this just isn’t fair.  And I would entirely agree.  So what is the best way to address the amygdala and all other symptoms that are adding to the feelings of ‘crazy’?

1.  Reduce our stress response.  Meditation, yoga, deep breathing.

2. know that there’s a really good chance that your emotional response may be not logical.  Try counting to three before reacting.

3. Get your hormones in balance, beginning with the adrenals.

4.  Not sure which hormones are out of balance?  Take the Hormone Cure Quiz.  It’s fast and you can do it in the comfort of your home.


Be well,


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