I need your help in deciding my last topic.

Thank you to all of those that have been able to attend the free presentations at Sierra Sundance on Wednesday’s.  As I mentioned I will be completing the 4 part series on “Getting Back Your Health” next Wednesday, January 23,2014.  (I will send out a gentle reminder a day or two prior).  Session 1 discussed “Getting to the Root Causes of Illness.  Session 2 discussed “Listen to your Gut” and Session 3 discussed “Food Sensitivities”.  I would like to hear your feedback of what you would like to hear for Session 4. 

I can discuss general systems issues such as : hormones, detoxification, neurotransmitters, or environmental stressors.  Or I can present on a specific general illness and how the functional approach would assess and respond.  I’m open to receiving suggestions so please don’t hesitate to send your feedback my way.  You can either respond on the blog or email me at lynn@AdvocateforHealing.com   

Please let me know no later than Sunday of this week. This will allow me time to prepare.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Be well,


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