Thank you to those of you who attended my last presentation, of the four part series, on Getting Your Health Back. The last session discussed the affect of stress on hormones and the results that can occur from hormonal imbalance. We discussed the sex hormones, stress hormones (adrenals), thyroid hormone, sleep hormone (melatonin) and a little known wonder steroid hormone often referred to as Vitamin D. The discussion was interactive and hopefully helpful. I’ve used this forum to address some of your questions with more clear answers:
1. How long does my skin need to be exposed to the sun for absorption or Vitamin D synthesis?
A: It varies greatly from individual to individual based on their skin melanin content, shade, cloud covering, time of day, skin exposure and any exogenous sources that may block the rays (such as sunscreen). Generally the recommended time for uncovered skin to be exposed to the sun and get the optimal absorption is between the hours of 10am and 3pm and on average from 10 to 30 minutes, at least 2 to 3 times per week.
2. Are there any other factors that block/hinder the absorption:
A: absorption from the digestive tract can prevent the absorption of Vitamin D and mal-functions within the liver and the kidneys can prevent the conversion to the active form.
3. Where is Vitamin D made?
A: in the gut and needs to be converted at 2 stages to become active: in the liver and in the kidneys.
As I mentioned, like any hormone, it’s essential to get your Vitamin D levels tested. I offer a dried blood spot (take home and ship out) for $60. The doctors at the clinic will also order the lab if requested (25-Hydroxy level specifically).
Feel free to read my other entry on Vitamin D in “Why all the supplements?”
Be well,