Posts Tagged ‘cfs’

The best functional lab test for complex illnesses

I hear so often from my clients that they’ve visited their doctor and that their lab tests are ‘normal’ or that they can’t find anything wrong even though my clients feel like crap (Diagnosis code ‘FLC’!).  In the functional world of nutrition we are looking less at symptoms and more at systems.  Hormones, the Immune system, digestion, detoxification, and neurotransmitters.  We are interested in stress hormones, sex hormones, the integrity of the digestive system, the backbone to energy (your mitochondria), the maximum ability to detoxify, nutritional deficiencies, the absorption of fatty acids, and if there are infections present.  It’s a multi-faceted approach targeted at one interest:  

Identifying the internal stressors and what supports need to be put in place.  

There is one test that can assess all of the above.  It’s referred to as the Organic Acids Test and it measures metabolism and assesses the body’s absorption of key nutrients.  It’s been invaluable in the field of biomedical intervention for application with:

Children with autism
Digestive Issues
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Neurological Disorders
Seizure disorders
Movement disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Tic Disorders
and so much more.

The great news is this test can be done in the comfort of your own home, via urine.  The kit can be shipped and the results come to me to evaluate and discuss.  You can read more about an organic acids test here.  Please note, an organic acids test ordered through an allopathic physician does not offer the same detail that a functional organic acid test offers. 

If you are experiencing any of the above disorders or want more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Stay tune for a webinar on this subject.

Be well,


Poop transplant curing autism, MS, CFS and more?

Yep, you read that correctly.  Fecal microbiota transplant “FMT” (easily referred to as “poop” transplant) has been in the forefront of modern medicine for the past few years, despite its discovery in 1958.  The discussion of the microbiome, the imbalances, its affect on  the brain and its impact in neurological disorders is ever pressing.  I’ve been following it for quite some time, but this true story below just recently caught my attention.

Recently a 10 year old boy with autistic behaviors and gastrointestinal issues underwent 5 FMT’s and has fully recovered.  Read the article here written by Dr. Perlmutter a functional neurologist:

He’s one of many individuals that are recovering from C.Diff infections, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, CFS and many other chronic illnesses.   Read more successes here 

Currently there are 150 medical facilities across the nation that are conducting poop transplants but the FDA has yet to approve it.  Currently a facility in Arizona is conducting an 18 week treatment study to be reviewed by the FDA.  

Want more information?  Per the Power of Poop website:

Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is also known as a stool transplant, bacteriotherapy and human probiotic infusion.   It is a natural, medication free way to repopulate the intestinal microbiome.  FMT involves transferring fecal bacteria  from a healthy donor to repopulate the unbalanced gut bacteria of a sick person. It is used to treat  Clostridium Difficile  (C. Diff.)  infection and increasingly other conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns Disease and digestive illness of indeterminate cause. There is also anecdotal evidence from Professor Thomas Borody’s Centre for Digestive Diseases to suggest that FMT could benefit other conditions including autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.  The first reported FMT was in 1958 and involved the successful treatment of four patients with pseudomembranous colitis before C. Diff. was the known cause.

FMT involves a series of infusions of stool blended with saline or distilled water. Frozen stool can also be used but takes longer to populate. Medical transfer of stool is undertaken via enema, colonoscope or nasogastric tube. Home infusion usually takes place via enema, syringe or capsule. Various parties are researching the commercial production of freeze-dried stool capsules and artificial intestinal flora.

All medical interventions come with risk. However in over 370 published reports there has been no reported infection transmitted by FMT so the risks are minimal.   A study published in the New England Medical Journal in January 2013 reported a 94% cure rate of pseudomembranous colitis caused by C Diff from FMT compared to a mere 31% with vancomycin. The study was stopped prematurely as it was considered unethical not to offer the FMT to all participants.

– See more at: “

This is exciting research.  I’m looking forward to more findings.

Be well,
