Posts Tagged ‘chemical’

Ritalin is a class 2 narcotic, just like cocaine

I often get caught up in working with clients that I forget to communicate to all of you what I’m up to these days.  I have a passion to help all individuals get healthy and children are at the top of my priorities.  Perhaps it’s because I’ve had success with my own child, with helping other parents and knowing that if we intervene now, children may have a long term prognosis that defies the odds.

Currently 3.5 million American children are diagnoses with ADHD and are being treated. The first line of “treatment” is a class 2 narcotic chemically known as methylphenidate; brand names are Ritalin, Concerta, Medikinet and Equasym.  Cocaine is also considered a class 2 narcotic.  All of these “treatments” pose a long-term risk of addiction, as the tolerance increases with time, so  does the dosage. 

Serious side effects include sudden death, seizures, an increase in diagnosis for developing bi-polar behaviors, new psychotic symptoms, etc.    Other non-serious side effects include sleep problems and loss of appetite (266 percent experienced the latter in a recent study).    Sleep problems and loss of appetite can result in increased “ADHD” behaviors: hyperactivity, lack of focus, anxiety, etc.  (Remember, parents there is no blood test for ADHD/ADD.  It’s based on a set of symptoms).

In other words, “treatment” may need to be an immediate plan, but is NOT a long term plan.  One must dig deeper to identify the source of these symptoms.  Dr. Charles Gant, a pioneer in functional medicine and one of my mentors refers to the symptoms of ADD as this:

Absolutely 100% of human beings, without exception, can be made to display the symptoms of inattentiveness by simply driving their brains into a chemical imbalance, either with enough of a toxin exposure (brain poisoning) and/or with enough of a nutritional deficiency (brain starvation).

So how do I assess chemical imbalances, brain poisoning and nutritional deficiencies?  I use functional testing, rather than guessing.  Functional testing assesses the performance of the brain, the levels of toxins, the ability of the body to detoxify (an essential piece) and nutritional deficiencies (that can result from poor digestion/absorption).  I won’t go into huge detail but here’s a recent example.

A parent approached me about their child’s symptoms.  ‘Getting going’ in the morning was just one area identified by the mother as an area of focus.  ‘Getting going’ potentially indicated a deficiency in dopamine.  Ritalin addresses dopamine deficiency. Through comprehensive testing I identified numerous deficiencies, three of them being vitamin c, b6 and folate.  ALL of these are considered co-factors to dopamine.  This means that the body CANNOT make dopamine without adequate levels of vitamin c, b6 and folate.   This child could not ‘get going’ because she wasn’t absorbing/assimilating the correct co-factors to MAKE dopamine.  

Here are other areas that you can begin supporting now:

  1.  Reduce as much as possible sugar.  It spikes blood sugar and creates chemical chaos in the brain.
  2. Support your child with cod liver oil (450mg of DHA minimum).   Fatty acid deficiency is associated with behavioral issues, hyperactivity and inability to focus. 
  3. Explore a true elimination diet or get tested for food sensitivities.
  4. Get them out exercising EVERY day.  Exercise has been demonstrated in numerous studies to reduce the behaviors associated.  In one study it was revealed that 26 minutes of physical activity each day helped to significantly reduce ADHD symptoms in grade-schoolers.
  5. Digestive health (gut-brain connection).  How the gut performs is how the brain performs.
  6. Keep your child away from food colorings, preservatives.

I know you have a lot on your plate, parents.  I’ve been there.  Dig deeper, get support in developing that long term plan.

Be well,




Non-toxic hair gel, simple, safe and effective

photo 1 (2)My 10 year old son cares about his hair more than my teenage daughter does!  It may stem from him having to wear a helmet for two years when he was sick.  Regardless, he is a leader in pursuing a new hair style: the shave, the beatles, the rat’s tail and now the mohawk.  He doesn’t consider what others are doing but rather pursues what he wants when he wants it.  His rat’s tail was my least favorite, but I vow to keep quiet.  This is his way of developing his individuality and I try hard to step aside.  (Once, he insisted on getting his ears pierced so I bought him a magnet earring.  Fortunately that “phase” passed. Phew!)

I’ve had in my house a toxic bottle of hairspray sitting in my cupboard for the past several years.  I pull it out about once a year for a costume party that I’m attending.  But yes, it’s toxic.  Unbeknownst to me, my son used it for the first day of his new hairstyle, proud to display it at school.  When I saw him after school I explained to him that it was extremely toxic and a product that should either never be used or used only once in a while.  In other words this product is not something to use consistently nor regularly.  I showed him the bottle and we discussed the ingredients.  Some of you may be thinking… ‘wow, Lynn just said it was okay for her son to use a toxic substance?’.   Yes, you are correct.  But allow me to explain a bit more.  He’s at the age of 10 and exploring his independence.  Anything “taboo” is enticing to him.  He’s my child that will say “yes, mom” and do what he intended to do.  He WILL be exposed to other toxins in life and he does spend time outside of my mostly “protected” home.  I took this as a good opportunity to inform him.  

He chose to use the hairspray on day 2 as well.  I trashed the hairspray.  

photo 2 (2)I reached out to Google and found this excellent simple, fast, recipe that was entirely natural.  And even better, it worked!  Now we have a win-win situation.  He’s using consistently a natural, non-toxic hair gel that I’ve made and lives in our house.  The toxic opponent has been permanently removed.   I’ve learned that he’s not ready to make the best health decision unless the natural product is his only option.  But I’m hoping that when he’s exposed to other toxic substances in the future he’ll be thinking about what we discussed.  

Here’s the recipe.  Adapted from DIY Natural 

Homemade Herbal Styling Gel

This homemade styling gel contains no harsh, drying chemicals or synthetic materials.



Heat water and mix together with gelatin in a small bowl. Stir well to combine and refrigerate for about 3 hours, or until set. Once cooled and set, add essential oils if desired, and stir to combine. Using a funnel, transfer to a small squeeze bottle for easiest dispensing. Keep styling gel refrigerated between uses. Gel will keep for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Use this homemade product on wet or dry hair and style as usual. I have had great results with both.

Be well,




“ADHD is a catchall diagnosis, into which the medical system too often tosses children who suffer from complex, metabolic disorders.  

ADHD has many diverse causes.

ADHD has many diverse remedies.”  Dr. Kenneth Bock author of Healing the New Childhood Epidemics  

Coconut oil for sunscreen?

Indigenous, pacific islanders have slathered coconut oil on  their skin for thousands of years when skin cancer was nearly non-existent.  We know that coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides that is easily absorbed by the body and used efficiently as a source of energy.  Its fatty acids are antimicrobial and replenishes moisture within the skin whether applied topically or ingested.  So could coconut oil be a powerful protector from harmful UV rays?

There are two types of UV rays: UVA and UVB.  UVA rays are penetrated by the sun and can be the source of skin cancer.  UVB rays can contribute to skin cancer but are necessary for the absorption of Vitamin D which is useful in preventing cancer. 

Even though market isles are flooded with sunscreens indicating a superior SPF protection: 50, 60, 85, 90 and up, the truth is that after SPF 50 there is no greater protection.  According to research, SPF 15 offers 93% protection against both UV rays; SPF 30 offers 97% and SPF 50 offers 98%.  After that there is no greater protection offered by a higher SPF number.   In addition, according to the Environmental Working Group, 75% of sunscreens are laden with toxic chemicals that can actually cause cancer.

Unprocessed coconut Oil has an SPF of 10 which means it offers 90% protection against the damaging effects of the sun.  And unlike all other sunscreens, coconut oil ALLOWS for the UVB rays to be absorbed by the body to manufacture Vitamin D, without harmful substances.

Next time you are heading into the outdoors for an extended period of time, reach in the cupboard and grab the coconut oil and uncover yet another hidden benefit.

You can read the full article here

Be well,
