Posts Tagged ‘coke’

Three of the latest WOW discoveries

I’ve been extremely busy reviewing the latest health news, exploring specific healing tools and working with clients. I’m learning so much and experiencing many ‘Aha’ moments. In doing so, I have let my blog casually slip by. So here I am… back and ready to post again even if it’s just sharing periodic “WOW” information. Here are this week’s WOW moments:

1. My current tally of Vitamin D deficiencies is 6 for 6 which means that 6 out of 6 individuals have tested positive for vitamin D deficiency. There are only 30,000 genes in your body and vitamin D has been shown to influence over 2,000 of them. That is one of the primary reasons it influences so many diseases including:
Cancer Hypertension Heart disease
Autism Obesity Rheumatoid arthritis
Diabetes 1 and 2 Multiple Sclerosis Crohn”s disease
Flu Colds Tuberculosis
Septicemia Aging Psoriasis
Eczema Insomnia Hearing loss
Muscle pain Cavities Periodontal disease
Athletic performance Macular degeneration Myopia
Pre eclampsia Seizures Fertility
Asthma Cystic fibrosis Migraines
Depression Alzheimer”s disease Schizophrenia

Vitamin D really isn’t a vitamin at all but a potent neuroregulatory steroidal hormone. It has become very clear that vitamin D deficiency is a growing epidemic across the world and is contributing to many chronic debilitating diseases. Some doctors allege as high as 95% of the population may be vitamin D deficient, my results are leaning in that direction entirely.

#2. TWO Faced Monsanto: Monstanto is doing everything in its power to not allow labeling of GMO goods in this country. BUT in Britain they advertise themselves as supporters? See the video here under the heading ‘the two faces of Monsanto’. Labeling of GMO foods has been fought against by Monsanto and its lobbyists by using millions of dollars in marketing and ads. California was nearly successful in making the manufacturers of GMO foods responsible in labeling their goods. Now the movement is taking place in Washington. Why the fight in the US and not in Great Britain? Because Monsanto doesn’t have an option in the UK.

#3. Coke is a joke campaign.  It’s been suspicious for quite some time that aspartame, the ‘no calorie sugar substitute’ used in Diet Coke is a danger to your health.  Recently aspartame was deemed ‘the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods’. When ingested aspartame metabolizes into wood alcohol (a poison) and formeldahyde (a carcinogen that cannot be filtered through the liver and kidneys).  It’s linked to brain damage, cancer, seizures, migraines, and any neurodegenerative disease we can think of.  Stay away from all products with aspartame in them; especially Diet Coke.  Remember it’s about eating the right foods with calories not the wrong foods with no calories.  Interested in research? Here are 20 of hundreds of studies on aspartame

Off to a conference on methylation/sulfation. 

Be well,
