Posts Tagged ‘digestive’

rc1Welcome to Advocate for Healing.  

My name is Lynn Altieri-Need and I have one mission:

to help families find the tools they need so they can heal

You may find me discussing through podcasts, webinars and blogging:   Kids Health 101, Nutrition for Seizures, Stress Hormones and digestion as my main focuses but you’ll see by my testimonials that my training as a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner can help with nearly any symptom or illness that plagues an individual.   After all, I don’t treat the symptoms, I support the individual.  I don’t “guess”, I “test”. Come visit with me for a complimentary 30 minute consultation and be sure to sign up for updates on the right so you can be “in the know” of the most current knowledge available.

The best functional lab test for complex illnesses

I hear so often from my clients that they’ve visited their doctor and that their lab tests are ‘normal’ or that they can’t find anything wrong even though my clients feel like crap (Diagnosis code ‘FLC’!).  In the functional world of nutrition we are looking less at symptoms and more at systems.  Hormones, the Immune system, digestion, detoxification, and neurotransmitters.  We are interested in stress hormones, sex hormones, the integrity of the digestive system, the backbone to energy (your mitochondria), the maximum ability to detoxify, nutritional deficiencies, the absorption of fatty acids, and if there are infections present.  It’s a multi-faceted approach targeted at one interest:  

Identifying the internal stressors and what supports need to be put in place.  

There is one test that can assess all of the above.  It’s referred to as the Organic Acids Test and it measures metabolism and assesses the body’s absorption of key nutrients.  It’s been invaluable in the field of biomedical intervention for application with:

Children with autism
Digestive Issues
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Neurological Disorders
Seizure disorders
Movement disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Tic Disorders
and so much more.

The great news is this test can be done in the comfort of your own home, via urine.  The kit can be shipped and the results come to me to evaluate and discuss.  You can read more about an organic acids test here.  Please note, an organic acids test ordered through an allopathic physician does not offer the same detail that a functional organic acid test offers. 

If you are experiencing any of the above disorders or want more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Stay tune for a webinar on this subject.

Be well,


Coffee is good or bad?

I get this question often. And my usual response is if the client is using coffee as a stimulant to wake up, feel energized or stay awake then “no”. BUT a great researcher, neuroscientist and neurologist, Dr. Perlmutter, gives his opinion on coffee and its impact on the digestive system. It’s a brief video and for you coffee lovers… you’re going to like his answer.

Digestion has to do with allergies?

Food allergies (or sensitivities) occur because of three factors: nutritional, immune and inflammatory. Eating foods serves multiple purposes: to provide both macro and micronutrients for the functions of systems; support optimal function of the brain; provide fuel for the performance of the body and so on.  The processes that are involved to meet these purposes involves digestion and detoxification.   When exploring the three factors that contribute to allergies, digestion must be supported.

The digestive process begins in the mouth when food is chewed and mixed with saliva.  It’s then swallowed and travels into the stomach where acid then helps to break down the food particles.  These particles travels through the intestinal tract where digestive enzymes are activated and further breakdown the food particles.   At any one of these stages, there may be breakdowns that don’t allow the entire breakdown and absorption of nutrients.  Low stomach acid and low digestive enzymes can result in larger food particles.

When food is not completely broken down it creates partial proteins and other molecules that the immune system identifies as foreign invaders.  The immune system follows by attacking these proteins and molecules.  The end result is an allergic response.  An allergic response creates a chronic inflammatory response.  In general, inefficiencies within the digestive system can result in an allergic and inflammatory response and nutritional deficiencies.

Why the depletion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, especially in children?  Medications, heavy metals, dysbiosis in the GI tract (can result from C-Section deliveries), refined foods, sugars, food allergies (not detected early), to name a few.

What to do?

Support the digestive system first, before adding other supplements.  Probiotics, essential fatty acids (low levels are correlated with allergies), stomach acid (if H.Pyroluria has been ruled out), digestive enzymes and a clean sugar free diet is necessary to improve the health of digestive system, reduce inflammation and reduce, if not stop, the allergic response.

Be well,


I eat that food all of the time and it doesn’t bother me…

I hear this comment often from my clients, at least initially. 

I’ve written about the power of identifying  food sensitivities.  A food that is consumed consistently can serve one of two purposes. The first and more preferable outcome is that the food is digested and the nutrients and waste are directed through the proper channels.  The alternative outcome is the food is identified as “foreign” in the body, antibodies unfold and a battle ground is created resulting in chronic inflammation.  The latter is an often time silent process, rather than an immediate cause and effect.

How an individual manifests this inflammatory response is highly individual.  It can manifest into migraines, chronic pain, aches, swelling, vomiting, digestive issues, sleep issues, hormonal problems, fatigue, neurological disorders and so much more. 

When a client consumes a sensitive food consistently, the body becomes “conditioned” or “de-sensitized” to the ongoing crisis.  It’s been a gradual process so the person becomes unaware of the ongoing damage.  It’s not until the food has been fully eliminated for an extended period of time that the body becomes “sensitized”.  It relaxes from the ongoing battle.  When the food is reintroduced, BAM! The response hits and the person realizes that in fact the food is a problem.

Just because you eat a food consistently doesn’t mean it is the right food for your body.  Identifying foods that create an inflammatory response in the body can bring a client many steps closer to healing. 

Check out my Total Transformation Programs here.

Are you chasing symptoms?

Symptoms-ExperiencedYou’ve visited your doctor with complaints: fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido, sleep problems, digestive issues, hormonal, depressed, fogginess, cold, body aches, irritable… you get the idea.  The physician will assess these areas of complaints by addressing the symptoms:  sleep problems- a sleep pill; depression- an anti-depressant; hormonal issues- a birth control pill; an anti-inflammatory for the aches and so on.  This means may target the symptoms and may even offer relief care; all of which you need.  But is it?

Symptoms are an expression of the body telling you that something isn’t working right. And when we don’t pay attention to the first symptoms, others follow.  Attempting to quell symptoms is like trying to put a band-aid over a nail in your foot.  The nail remains and so do the symptoms.  All the bandaid offers is a ‘cover up’.    Allow me to explain further.

The body has a built in de-stressing system.  When it’s tapped on a chronic level, fatigue sets in, the thyroid is instructed to work harder, sleep becomes less of a priority and therefore the body can’t repair, sleep affects appetite and weight gain, the digestive system becomes cranky and smelly, and chats constantly with the brain (foggy thinking?), the enteric nervous system that regulates mood resides in the digestive system so irratibility sets in and the sex hormones get stolen to support the de-stressing system so there are none left to enjoy lovemaking.  No wonder you feel like crap and all the symptom-chasing pills will not support your needs.

Are you chasing symptoms? Get to the root cause.  I can help.

Are you ready for a total transformation program?

Are you ready for a nutritional system that is designed specifically for you? 

Are you tired of:

  • Trying to find the right diet that works?
  • Symptoms (digestive, migraines, sleep issues, poor energy, hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, or other?)
  • Weighing yourself
  • Struggling with fluctuating weight?

I can create a YOUnique program for YOU that:

  • Identifies tools for support to help the body heal and recover
  • Fits your lifestyle and time constraints
  • Keeps you feeling energized
  • Gives you foods to eat for life.

 WARNING:  This is not a one size fits all approach!

I offer TWO programs

#1.  The 30 Day Total Transformation Package Helps you determine your YOUnique Diet and Includes:

  • A 50 foods sensitivity lab test done in the privacy of your own home. Results will be interpreted and a unique diet approach will be created for you.  
  • A nutrition assessment: digestion is a major contributor of inflammation and stress on the body. An individualized nutrition plan will be recommended in a 30 minute consultation. 
  • Recipe Guide: packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes that will reduce inflammation, support your hormones, aid in digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied.
  • Facebook support group: for a full 30 days. This offers ongoing support in a group setting
  • Available by email or phone: on an as needed basis for 30 days. 15 minute sessions.
  • A Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your transformation a breeze
  • Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program
  • 30 minute follow up consultation.

Book an Appointment

I started working with Lynn in the summer of 2014 for fatigue and Hashimoto’s syndrome. She help me to improve my overall health and with working with my md I have a healthier stomach and intestinal track. Lowered my thyroid RX 3 times and has me on the correct vitamins and supplements and diet for my condition. I feel great for the first time in years. She is so knowledgable, caring and supportive an amazing woman. I would and have recommended her to friends and family.

Read other testimonials here

#2. The 90 Day Total Transformation Package Includes:

This step-by-step approach to Transforming YOU in 90 Days is designed to help you finally figure out the nutritional tools you need to support all of your symptoms and problems. (If you have a symptom or multiples…this is the program for you!)

Are you ready to?

What’s included in this 90 Day Transformation Program?
● An initial 30 minute consultation: a comprehensive discussion to assess the performance of all of your H.I.D.D.E.N stressors (hormones, immune, digestive, detoxification, environment and neurotransmitters).
● A functional cortisol/sex/sleep hormones lab test: this will share with us the performance of your stress hormone, sleep hormone and how your sex hormones are performing. 
● A 60 minute lab test results discussion and recommendations
● A nutrition assessment: digestion is a major contributor of inflammation and stress on the body. Digestion, Detoxification and the Immune system will be addressed.   An individualized nutrition plan will be recommended. 
● Recipe Guide: packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes that will reduce inflammation, support your hormones, aid in digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied.
● Facebook support group: for the full 90 days. This offers ongoing support in a group setting
● Available by email or phone: on an as needed basis. 15 minute sessions.
● A Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your transformation a breeze
● Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program

 Are you ready for a total transformation? If so I’m here to help.

Book an Appointment

Be well,


Lynn does what?

My apologies (I posted the wrong video.  A major OOPS).  

Many people question what FDN is and what I do specifically to help men,women,children find the tools they need to heal from symptoms.  Ultimately FDN merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine. Not sure what functional medicine is? Have you ever seen Dr. Mark Hyman on the Dr. Oz show? He practices functional medicine as a physician.  I am not a physician and I do not treat or diagnose but rather identify and support.  This video offers a brief explanation of my approach.  Hope this helps.

Be well,

Is this the year of change for you?

downloadSo many of us become inspired by New Years Day.  It’s the start of a New Year and has the potential to bring something greater; more than we achieved in the prior years.  Resolutions get created in hopes that a true change will take place.  ‘This is the year I’m going to give up chocolate, reduce alcohol, spend more time with my children, eat better, lose weight, run a marathon, smile more’… sound familiar?

Yet, for many of us, changing behaviors seems to be more challenging than it seems it should. We find that:

  • We are good at making resolutions
  • We are good at executing them, at least initially
  • We tend to slowly (and sometimes abruptly) “fall off the wagon”

Why is it so difficult to make a change?

Einstein said it best with “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.  What you are doing may work initially but isn’t working through until the end.  Yet we keep using the same approaches and ultimately getting the same results. 

Are you ready to change your approach to health so you can get a different result?

  • Make small changes that bring big results?
  • Boost your immune system since virus’ and bacteria are unavoidable?
  • Restore your sleep, weight, energy by using tools for life?

If so, I’m here to help.

Here’s just a couple of dozens of testimonials:

…”After just a couple of months of mild diet adjustment, vitamin and hormone supplements, I feel like a completely different person. The difference in my energy level is amazing!”- Shelby

“I lost about 20lbs without really trying, which was a big bonus, and I’ve kept it off by going back and forth between eating as I should and having “treats”.

Join me in helping you find the YOUnique diet.  The diet that is specifically designed for you: that uses small changes to create big results so that you can get back to sleeping well, managing your weight and feeling energized. 

Stay tuned for more details on the YOUnique diet. 

What is normal?

32eab525fe643bd8338aa618ac77041cWhen we have symptoms, they may be “common” but they are not “normal”. There’s truly no such thing as “normal”. We are all individuals with unique responses to life and require unique needs. To have a symptom, a set of symptoms is more common than ever. Migraines, digestive issues, skin issues, sleep issues, weight concerns, hormonal problems, blood sugar issues, etc are very common but far from normal. Don’t settle. You deserve more.

Be well,