Posts Tagged ‘functional’

Learn how to not get sick this year! FREE WEBINAR

I’ve recorded my FREE WEBINAR “Learn how to not get the flu (or any other sickness) this year, whether you’ve had the flu shot or not!”.  

In my FREE Webinar you’ll learn what steps you can take.  This is all FREE information, loaded with invaluable tips that you can start practicing immediately!  

Please watch and share.  (You’ll want to start the webinar about 1 minute and 49 seconds into it when the webinar actually begins).  

This FREE Webinar only requires 30 minutes of your time and may prove to be invaluable!

I’d love to hear your feedback.

Be well,


Register for a FREE WEBINAR: Learn how to NOT get the flu this season (whether you’ve had the flu shot or not)

Join me in a FREE Webinar and learn how to prevent getting sick with the flu or any other virus or infection running rampant.  

We know that the actual flu virus only affects 5% to 20% of the American population.  The remainder of spreading results from other viral strains.  When affected the average recovery may take up  to 20 days.  

What you’ll learn:

  • It’s not your coworkers or your children that give you the flu
  • The triggers that make you vulnerable to get the flu and other infections 
  • That you don’t have to give up all of your favorite foods to feel great
  • You have complete power over your health.

Be sure to register and please share with others.

The date for the webinar is Monday, January 18th at 5:00pm PST  I’ll keep it brief but chocked full of tools you can walk away with. 

Register by clicking this link.

Helping you find the tools to be well,

Be well,



Podcast #3- The functional approach to kids health with the F.D.N. Master Reed Davis

reeddavispicCome join Reed and I as we discuss the functional diagnostic nutrition approach to helping kids recover from health issues.

Learn why Reed Davis, began practicing nutrition and “labs”  with symptomatic individuals as far back as 20 years.  He is a pioneer as a practitioner, paving the way for an emerging specialty in functional diagnostic nutrition that merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine.

Reed Davis founded F.D.N.,Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and has trained over 2,000 practitioners on how to practice with nutrition and labs.

In this interview :

  • learn why in F.D.N. we don’t ‘guess’ about systems, we ‘test’.
  • learn why Reed believes that good health is a ‘birth right’ and
  • the difference between symptoms and the importance of systems
  • what we can do as practitioners and as a parents to ensure great health.

Please listen to this podcast as Reed Davis shoots it straight and follow Kids Health 101 on iTunes. 

Also please register for updates on future podcasts, blogs and webinars and you’ll receive a FREE EBOOK “10 Truths about Kids Health Parents aren’t told, but need to know”



rc1Welcome to Advocate for Healing.  

My name is Lynn Altieri-Need and I have one mission:

to help families find the tools they need so they can heal

You may find me discussing through podcasts, webinars and blogging:   Kids Health 101, Nutrition for Seizures, Stress Hormones and digestion as my main focuses but you’ll see by my testimonials that my training as a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner can help with nearly any symptom or illness that plagues an individual.   After all, I don’t treat the symptoms, I support the individual.  I don’t “guess”, I “test”. Come visit with me for a complimentary 30 minute consultation and be sure to sign up for updates on the right so you can be “in the know” of the most current knowledge available.

Balance the holiday festivities with these top 7 “how to’s”

The holidays are a time for gathering with family and friends.  It’s social for adults, families and children and typically involves foods that we may not indulge in on a consistent basis throughout the year but  are ever present at every event we attend.  So how do you get through the holiday festivities enjoying the foods and drinks but while also keeping your health intact?  The largest focus is to not create a total stress load on your body.  I often use the bathtub analogy which I won’t go into here.  But in essence, keep your tub from overflowing by not over-indulging.  For example all of these indulgences in a day may fill your tub to the rim:  3 cookies, eating dairy which you know doesn’t agree with you, a sugary drink which will keep you up half the night, stressed out from last minute holiday shopping  and travel, etc.  Sound familiar?  Here are 7 great how to’s to help keep your tub ‘low’ and help you keep in balance.

  1.  If it’s a potluck, bring a dish you know that you’ll enjoy and can meet your dietary needs (whatever those needs may be: ie., no dairy, no wheat, no corn, no sugar, etc).  For examples, I am strict about abstaining from dairy, so I’ll bring hummus.  Or my son needs to eat gluten free, so I’ll be sure to pack gluten free crackers (whether I’m asked to bring a dish or not).
  2. Eat the veggies that are offered first.  It’s best to fill up on nutrient dense foods before indulging in the “treats” whatever they may be.
  3. Try to keep with the real food options.  In other words, skip the prepackaged potato salad, fruit/whipped salad, store bought cookies, etc.   Eat home made meat skewers, veggies, avocado dips, etc.   These items require few ingredients and should be closer to “real”.  
  4. Stay away from the “treats” table.  Place yourself in a different location, as far away as possible.
  5. If you are going to indulge (just can’t commit to #4); do so with only one item.   Scan the options that are being offered and acknowledge that you will have the chocolate truffle that’s been waving to you from across the room.  BUT eat the veggies, meat options and other health “real food” items first.  
  6. Enjoy a beverage of your choice without sugars.  And if you do choose alcohol, try to refrain from sugary additives: fruit juices, syrups, etc.  Added sugars create an added toxic load on the liver and may even keep you awake half of the night.  Instead, opt for soda water as an additive with lemons or limes.  
  7. Alternate an alcoholic beverage with water.  I love soda water and that becomes my alternative.  (I will often bring this to a party as well as that I have this as an option).

Have fun.  Enjoy your time with friends and family.  And most of all…. be well.


P.S. if you have other ideas on how to maintain a healthy balance through the holidays please share.  I’d love to hear from you.  

Are you chasing symptoms?

Symptoms-ExperiencedYou’ve visited your doctor with complaints: fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido, sleep problems, digestive issues, hormonal, depressed, fogginess, cold, body aches, irritable… you get the idea.  The physician will assess these areas of complaints by addressing the symptoms:  sleep problems- a sleep pill; depression- an anti-depressant; hormonal issues- a birth control pill; an anti-inflammatory for the aches and so on.  This means may target the symptoms and may even offer relief care; all of which you need.  But is it?

Symptoms are an expression of the body telling you that something isn’t working right. And when we don’t pay attention to the first symptoms, others follow.  Attempting to quell symptoms is like trying to put a band-aid over a nail in your foot.  The nail remains and so do the symptoms.  All the bandaid offers is a ‘cover up’.    Allow me to explain further.

The body has a built in de-stressing system.  When it’s tapped on a chronic level, fatigue sets in, the thyroid is instructed to work harder, sleep becomes less of a priority and therefore the body can’t repair, sleep affects appetite and weight gain, the digestive system becomes cranky and smelly, and chats constantly with the brain (foggy thinking?), the enteric nervous system that regulates mood resides in the digestive system so irratibility sets in and the sex hormones get stolen to support the de-stressing system so there are none left to enjoy lovemaking.  No wonder you feel like crap and all the symptom-chasing pills will not support your needs.

Are you chasing symptoms? Get to the root cause.  I can help.

What do dinosaurs, weight gain and thumbtacks have in common?

dinoweddingphotobombSorry there is no punchline…even though it may seem likely with a title such as above.  All too often I read and hear about the latest drink mix, short term diet plan, or program that provides meals all for the purpose of helping women and men lose weight.  I also hear about those that struggle through counting calories, weighing themselves in front of peers and trying to fit into a pair of skinny jeans.  In America it’s estimated that more than 1/3 of Americans are obese… that is, severely overweight.  Let’s face it, people living in western civilizations are facing a risk factor of becoming overweight and the odds are against us all.

So why is it that diet fads consume the market and mass media but weight gain is on the rise?  Based on the functional medicine model and my experience, it’s because we are not identifying the root cause for the weight gain.  From a functional perspective weight gain is the thumb tack in the foot.  You can take an anti-inflammatory all day long but if the thumb tack remains, so will the pain for the long term.  Allow me to explain further.

Our physiology, biology and biochemical interactions are consistent with how the body functioned 40,000 years ago.  Yes, we have improved in intelligence since we were cave men/women but our genetic material has changed very little.  During prehistoric times we fought for our food, ran from dinosaurs and ate when it was possible.  Following the hunt and eat, the body would store the food as fat understanding that it will need a fuel source in the coming days; uncertain of its next meal.  Fuel is a matter of life and death for the body, so it prioritizes using the fight/flight response.   The fight/flight response is a built-in survival mechanism, adapting and compensating in order to protect itself, often without us asking it to.

Today, the body performs in much the same way.  When there are chronic stressors (external, internal or multiples) the body creates the same stress response: to store the fat.  Yes, we may not be running from dinosaurs but the body doesn’t make that distinction.  Regardless of the point of stress (food sensitivities, sleep problems, toxic overload, digestive issues, for examples); stress is addressed through the fight/flight response.  This is why all the shakes, diet plans and pre-packaged meals do not create the long term affects dieters are after.  They do not address why the body’s stressed. They rather attempt to act as the anti-inflammatory rather than the thumbtack.    

Are you interested in weight loss?  Then you need to identify the dinosaur(s) and remove the thumb tack.   Once this occurs, the body will resort to a state of ease, release the weight and function how we’d like it to, with long term success. 

Be well,


Lynn does what?

My apologies (I posted the wrong video.  A major OOPS).  

Many people question what FDN is and what I do specifically to help men,women,children find the tools they need to heal from symptoms.  Ultimately FDN merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine. Not sure what functional medicine is? Have you ever seen Dr. Mark Hyman on the Dr. Oz show? He practices functional medicine as a physician.  I am not a physician and I do not treat or diagnose but rather identify and support.  This video offers a brief explanation of my approach.  Hope this helps.

Be well,

How full is your kettle? Has it reached the tipping point?

loadgame_tippingpoint_logo I use the “kettle” as a symbolic description in an effort to articulate total stress load to my clients.   Each and every one of us has our own kettle.  When we were young the kettle appeared to have little filling.  Over time, after years of exposures to toxins, medications, lifestyle choices, internal stressors and nutritional deficiencies, the kettle begins to fill.   Each and every individual has available resources (referred to as nutrients) to help empty out their “kettle”.  How well each of us recovers from the kettle filling depends on the amount of resources.  Essentially the formula of resiliency= resources (minus) total “fillings”.  In other words, if the kettle “fillings” outnumber the resources the “kettle” tips.   The tipping point is when an individual becomes highly symptomatic.  According to Soram Khalsa, MD, the tipping of the kettle leads to either malignancy or chronic inflammation. It’s essential to reduce how full your kettle is. 

Review this list of potential internal stressors. 

1. Sugar and refined foods.
2. Hidden food sensitivities.
3. Nutritional deficiencies.
4. Toxins including heavy metals.
5. Digestive issues (the gut is often referred to as ‘the second brain’.
6. Stress (emotional, trauma, social or work related)
7. Inadequate exercise.
8. Insufficient sleep.
9. Chronic infections (viruses, parasites,bacteria, fungus, etc).

You can read the full article read here. 

Could these stressors be filling your kettle? How full is your kettle?

Be well,



Watch Videos on Stress, Weight Gain, Allergies, Sleep issues and Kids Health