Posts Tagged ‘heal’

Meditation Affirmation- DAY 1

Thank you to all of you who signed up to join me in practicing meditation.  Yep, that’s my goal.  Not to be an accomplished meditator but just to begin.  

Tomorrow is our introductory day of meditation. Just 10 minutes…no more.  Now may be a good time to consider what’s the best time of day for you to practice your 10 minute meditation.  Is first thing in the morning best? Noon: just before lunch? Mid-afternoon, when the kids are napping? In the evening while sitting in the bathtub?  For tomorrow, just pick a time.  You can always change it.  

You may begin with this audio:

Sending Love (Female and only 10 minutes long)

Or if you’d rather be even more adventurous here are other options:

  1. Cultivating Peace and Joy  (Aussie male and 17 minutes long) 
  2. A long list of other meditation options.

Please enjoy all that your 10 minutes offers: including the distractions and the thoughts that may drift in/out (much against your will).  

Be well,


Have you earthed today?

photoFor thousands of years humans and animals have lived in direct connection with the earth.  We originally lived in caves, slept on dirt, walked barefoot and ate directly from the earth.  We have evolved into much more lavish (and more comfortable) standards of living.  We live layers above ground, with at least one floor dividing us from the earth, add synthetic flooring and carpet, wear man-made soles, and walk on asphalt.   And during this evolution we’ve seen more inflammation and illness surface in humans: earlier onset of dis-eases, sickness and compromised immunity. 

Is there a connection? According to *Joseph Mercola, D.O. there is.  The earth is an infinite number of electrons – running at a slightly negative charge.  This is scientific.  And when the body is connected directly to the earth it becomes fully charged and balanced. Why is this you ask? Simply put, the body is a conducter.  The body when in direct contact with the earth becomes fully charged and balanced.  But when a person wears synthetic soles, or walks on layers between themselves and the dirt, there is no connection.  The further the body is from the earth, the greater the charge on the body. 

Static electricity sound familiar? Immune system compromised?  Get grounded: be in connection with the earth. Put your feet in the sand, walk outside on the dirt barefoot and lie on the grass.  

Be well,


Finding the right tools so your body can heal

Because it can.  I know.  I’m one of them.  From the age of 12 to 26 I suffered from chronic pain, until I found the right recipe for my health.  I’ve been pain free for 16 years.  No drugs and no suffering.

My son is another.  He suffered from 20 to 40 seizures daily for approximately a year and a half.  The prognosis for my son was grim.  We were emotionally depleted and for some time putting ourselves and our son’s future in the hands of the medical professionals.  It wasn’t working.  My sons seizures increased and his toxic levels reached a new peak from the drug cocktails that were put forth.  Intuitively I knew that there was an entire body attached to my son’s over-examined head.  Once we we changed our reaction, sought other thinkers and looked at his whole body we found the right tools. His body is healing.  No drugs and no lapse in development.  He hasn’t had a seizure in 20 months. And he plays the cello, learns in two languages, skis and loves life every day.

My daughter is the third.  She’s suffered from vomiting migraines for 3 years now.  I’ve found great resolve and still seeking the root cause.  No drugs and no suffering.

It’s taken me three family members to realize what I am meant to do.  I’ve never been very good at following the “rules” just because someone put them in place.  Over time I’ve realized that  the more that I look at a problem with multiple perspectives the more I learn.    I’ve been studying health for over 15 years and am currently acquiring further training as a functional nutritionist.  I read all the time; interview great thinkers both in and out of the medical field and keep current on what can help people heal.  I truly believe that I can help others find the underlying causes of their symptoms and the tools they need so that they can heal.  I am here to help you!