Posts Tagged ‘health’

Podcast #3- The functional approach to kids health with the F.D.N. Master Reed Davis

reeddavispicCome join Reed and I as we discuss the functional diagnostic nutrition approach to helping kids recover from health issues.

Learn why Reed Davis, began practicing nutrition and “labs”  with symptomatic individuals as far back as 20 years.  He is a pioneer as a practitioner, paving the way for an emerging specialty in functional diagnostic nutrition that merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine.

Reed Davis founded F.D.N.,Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and has trained over 2,000 practitioners on how to practice with nutrition and labs.

In this interview :

  • learn why in F.D.N. we don’t ‘guess’ about systems, we ‘test’.
  • learn why Reed believes that good health is a ‘birth right’ and
  • the difference between symptoms and the importance of systems
  • what we can do as practitioners and as a parents to ensure great health.

Please listen to this podcast as Reed Davis shoots it straight and follow Kids Health 101 on iTunes. 

Also please register for updates on future podcasts, blogs and webinars and you’ll receive a FREE EBOOK “10 Truths about Kids Health Parents aren’t told, but need to know”



Teach them while they are young, before they risk a health crisis.

Kids Health 101 recently launched an interview with Middle School Exercise Science teacher, Todd Hensley.  In this interview he shares an understanding of the metabolic changes that kids go through in their pre-teen to teenage years.  He stresses that it’s the most crucial time for intervention; for them to understand nutrition and activity.  He feels that by teaching students ‘to take care of the one body they’ll ever own’ they may defy the odds.

Currently the odds are that 1 in 3 children face obesity and children as young as 8 years old are at risk of heart disease.  AND there’s strong evidence that the children of today may NOT outlive their parents.  

Please listen to the podcast while you are cooking, resting, exercising or just ‘hanging out’.  I’d love your feedback as well.

Listen to the interview here 

Please share and be well,



Introducing…Kids Health 101

I’m finally doing it! I’m launching KidsHealth101 Podcast today.  It will feature practitioners that have been successful at helping children heal and recover.   

My mission is “to make child healing and recovery a household conversation”.  

Podcast #1 is “live” as of today and features Dr. Shanna Bissonette interviewing me on why I’m creating a Kids Health movement.     In future podcasts, you’ll hear less from me and much more from my brilliant, pioneer driving professionals that are truly helping kids recover.  

Please join me in this movement by adding your email at  and check out my first podcast!

At Kids Health 101 we will be discussing child developmental needs, growth, nutritional supports and sickness recovery by finding the right tools to heal using a functional approach to health.  Again, my mission is to make childhood healing and recovery a household conversation.  Register at to receive updates of our future presenters.  And spread the word. 

I’m so excited!


A Food Pyramid I’m proud of…

Dr. Mercola just released a food pyramid that finally makes sense.   You’ll see vast differences in the new food pyramid versus the former one that captured the “Standard American diet (acronym S.A.D)” and the attention of the American people  for the past few decades.  In the new improved version you’ll see vegetables and fats at the bottom of the pyramid in the most consumption area. Proteins in the next best area to consume, and grains and sugars at the very top in the least encouraged to consume.  I’d highly encourage printing this out for even your children to take a look at.  What are your thoughts?  I’d love to hear from you.

Be well, Lynn


Best campfire food…and healthy too!

I’m a little late into camping season but I must confess I just discovered this.  I am a huge popcorn lover (organic kernels) fresh flaxseed oil and pink himalayan salt…the thought of it makes me salivate!  But what to do around the campfire? The ingredients in jiffy pop detract from the simplicity of this snack, filling it with unnecessary preservatives.  This mechanism uses oil of your choice and popcorn of your choice.  And you can even heat butter in it after the popcorn pops and “toss it” to coat the popped kernels.  It works great and my kids (and I) were pumped to enjoy this mechanism over the campfire.   It’s sold at Walmart for under $20.  Maybe a great stocking stuffer?

Be well,



Coffee is good or bad?

I get this question often. And my usual response is if the client is using coffee as a stimulant to wake up, feel energized or stay awake then “no”. BUT a great researcher, neuroscientist and neurologist, Dr. Perlmutter, gives his opinion on coffee and its impact on the digestive system. It’s a brief video and for you coffee lovers… you’re going to like his answer.

Monsanto hates these recent findings…

The predominantly used weed killer, glyphosphate, pushed by Monsanto for the last few decades has been declared a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization.  Glyphosphate (as one of the organophosphates)  has been linked to non-hodgkins lymphoma, lung cancer and known cancer in animals.  Other countries including Denmark, France and Brazil are moving to ban the well marketed  “Round up” that Monsanto has falsely promoted as a safe pesticide.  

Exposure to Round up and other organophosphates are linked to antibiotic resistance, compromised immunity and heavy toxic loads associated with diabetes and obesity.  Because glyphosphate can’t be “rinsed” from the fruit the exposure to this toxic and damaging substance can reach every household in America.  

Over 20,000 farmers are at risk of developing symptoms such as vomiting, skin rashes, leukemia, brain cancer, birth defects, and nerve damage from working at close range.   Drinking water that has been contaminated with glyphosphate is linked to kidney damage.  

Monsanto is pursuing a retraction of this “damming report”.  

Buy organic whenever you can.   Refer to my blog on the dirty dozen that are high in pesticides.

Be well,


What is normal?

32eab525fe643bd8338aa618ac77041cWhen we have symptoms, they may be “common” but they are not “normal”. There’s truly no such thing as “normal”. We are all individuals with unique responses to life and require unique needs. To have a symptom, a set of symptoms is more common than ever. Migraines, digestive issues, skin issues, sleep issues, weight concerns, hormonal problems, blood sugar issues, etc are very common but far from normal. Don’t settle. You deserve more.

Be well,

Watch Videos on Stress, Weight Gain, Allergies, Sleep issues and Kids Health

The SMART meter violation

Sometimes I feel as though I live in a haze, clear of what I see in front of me and naive to what’s around me.  I just learned that since June 2012 a SMART meter was installed by Southern California Edison on my residential property, entirely unbeknownst to me.  I do not recall ever receiving contact that this instrument would be installed on my property and did not believe that Edison nor any other company would have the right to do so. 

Given my son’s history of seizures, I’ve been extremely conscientious of our decisions to use in our home TV’s, refrigerators, toaster ovens, wireless routers and wireless laptops.  I’ve done my damndest to remediate these waves as much as I can.  I have Qlink stickers on our cell phones (which have demonstrated regulating brain waves)and Aulterra Neutralizer stickers on all of our major appliances.  I know I couldn’t put either of my children in a bubble but I at least felt that I had control over my home environment.  Now I realize that I couldn’t have been more wrong. Somehow the government and its entities had the right to enter on my property and install this health damaging device without my knowledge.  According to the representative I spoke with at Edison, I didn’t have to be informed because they own the machine. 

I’ve been entirely aware of the SMART media potential for radiating harmful EMF’s (electric magnetic frequencies) constantly throughout the day.  Yes, EMF’s are radiated from microwaves (if they were running 24 hours a day) and our cell phones.  Yet the SMART meter radiates at a much higher level; potentially up to 80 times higher than the EPA allowance and it runs constantly 24 hours a day.

I’m equally frustrated by me not being aware of the SMART meter installation in our area. For some naive reason I  thought that perhaps Mammoth was exempt from this invasion and didn’t think the machines had reached our area. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Other counties in California such as Marin and Santa Cruz have denied SMART meters into their towns. They have issued bans and the utility companies have had no other choice but to comply.

Those that oppose the use and implementation of SMART meters base their decisions on information derived from such well researched articles as the  American Academy of Environmental Medicine that states “chronic exposure to radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action”.  Other well researched papers such as “Getting Smarter about the Smart Grid” argue that there is no intelligence to the design or implementation of these SMART meters.  The article “10 Questions for your Utility Company”  is a great tool for customers to use when discussing with their utility company how SMART meters may affect their health and their utility bill. 

Utility companies argue that the evidence is not sufficient to ban SMART meters.  This reinforces that indeed no time has passed to gauge the long term effects on health and our children. This is a strong enough reason to keep SMART meters off my property and preferably out of my town.

In my personal life and in my nutrition practice, I focus on reducing the total external stress load as much as possible. Then again, I perceive external stressors as those I can control.  In this situation I feel as though my control over my environment is slowly slipping away.

When I contacted Edison I insisted that my SMART meter be removed. They agreed to my request at a $75 one time fee for its removal and $10 per month for maintenance.  Amazing, I have to pay  more to keep my family healthy.

What are your thoughts? Were you aware of their presence? Have you experienced health issues? I’d like to hear from you.

Next blog, I’ll keep it light.  I promise. 

Be well,
