There is much discussion about supplements these days: what supplements to take; do they contradict each other; is it really necessary to take supplements?
It has become more present that the foods we eat today are not the same foods that our ancestors ate 100 years ago. Seeds have been genetically modified, the soils have been contaminated, whole foods have become refined foods, pesticides have become in mainstream use and fast food is more popular than ever. Over time our whole foods have become depleted, lacking in nutrients and vitamins; what the body needs 24 hours a day to function optimally.
What about the fortified foods you ask? Fortified foods have been supplemented by the Food and Drug Administration to meet minimum requirements as determined by the FDA. And yet with all of the fortified foods being consumed approximately 70% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient, for example (per Joseph Mercola, MD). As Edward Giovannucci, MD, Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard University states:
‘Milk alone is unlikely to be an adequate source of vitamin D. True, milk is fortified in the U.S. (it is not fortified in most countries). Each glass of fortified milk should contain about 100 IU of vitamin D (but on average, it may contain only 50 IU). So someone would have to drink at least 8 glasses of milk per day to get 800 IU of vitamin D. Moreover, most experts now conclude that 1,000 to 2,000 IU per day of vitamin D may be what we need for optimum health.’
I’ve recently read 1000IU’s per 25 lbs is the recommended dose of Vitamin D3 (per Dr. John Cannell of the Vitamin D Council). This means that a 150 lb person would have to drink anywhere from 60 to 120 glasses of milk per day. Get the picture? And this is only vitamin D we’re talking about. I’ll save B Vitamins, Vitamin A, K,C and others for another time.
So what to take? Here are suggestions:
- Find out what you’re deficient in. Discuss with a practitioner what your needs are.
- Avoid the ‘one size fits all approach’ with a multi-vitamin until you know what your body needs.
- Purchase supplements from only reputable, quality manufacturers. Many supplements are stuffed with fillers that are unneeded and can even be damaging depending on the individual.
Each and every one of us an individual. Be sure to be supplemented like one.
Be well,