Posts Tagged ‘overweight’

Fat is not your fault

Yes; you read that correctly.  Many mainstream “integrative” Doctors that work within the ‘whole body’ approach are declaring this to be true.  Fat is not simply a result of over eating and not exercising.    Fat is  rather a result of a breakdown in your gastrointestinal system and ultimately a result of the culprit behind many illnesses… inflammation.  This is why fad diets prove to be ineffective for the long term.

How could this be?  Bacterial imbalances in the GI tract (also known as our ‘gut’) happen when processed, nutrient-depleted and sugared foods and/or infections (named as ‘invaders’) flood the digestive system. The result is a battleground.  The immune system makes all of its necessary attempts to defend itself from the “invaders”.  The ‘gut’ protective shield (also known as the mucosal barrier) becomes permeable (damaged) and food particles now escape from the ‘gut’ and leak into the bloodstream.  The result is massive inflammation, also known as swelling. 

What to do:

Hire a professional to help you identify the following:

  1. Identify through an IgG test what your food sensitivities are.
  2. Avoid those foods for a minimum of three months.
  3. Provide support for the digestive system with digestive enzymes.
  4. Heal the mucosal barrier.

No more invaders; no more swelling. 

Read more specifics on scientific studies and success stories on this approach:

Be well,
