Posts Tagged ‘quiet’

Meditation Affirmation- DAY 1

Thank you to all of you who signed up to join me in practicing meditation.  Yep, that’s my goal.  Not to be an accomplished meditator but just to begin.  

Tomorrow is our introductory day of meditation. Just 10 minutes…no more.  Now may be a good time to consider what’s the best time of day for you to practice your 10 minute meditation.  Is first thing in the morning best? Noon: just before lunch? Mid-afternoon, when the kids are napping? In the evening while sitting in the bathtub?  For tomorrow, just pick a time.  You can always change it.  

You may begin with this audio:

Sending Love (Female and only 10 minutes long)

Or if you’d rather be even more adventurous here are other options:

  1. Cultivating Peace and Joy  (Aussie male and 17 minutes long) 
  2. A long list of other meditation options.

Please enjoy all that your 10 minutes offers: including the distractions and the thoughts that may drift in/out (much against your will).  

Be well,
