I’m not an Immunologist but do research and have a personal interest in vaccines. The first three years of my son’s life involved healthy development. For one and half years following he experienced multiple seizures daily. The “pill for an ill” model was not effective. His seizures worsened. Once we sought biochemical supports, we identified my son was toxic in aluminum (an adjuvant used in vaccines) and that his detoxification pathways were “blocked”. Finally, within 2 weeks of addressing his detoxification pathways his seizures ended. He has remained seizure free for nearly 4 years.
My last 5 years has been devoted to my son’s recovery, the focus on systems support rather than symptom support, biochemical pathways specifically and nutrition. I spend much of my time researching on the interplay between hormones, immune, digestion, detoxification, the environment and neurotransmitters. I practice as a Functional Diagnostic Practitioner and encounter daily multiple instances of women, men and children experiencing all types of chronic diseases.
I believe SB 277 is not a bill predicated on science but rather a true conflict of interests driven by the government for profit driven purposes. As a nation, with the most vaccinated children in the world, our children are experiencing an epidemic of chronic disease.
“Fifty years ago, when the immunization schedule contained only four vaccines (for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox), autism was virtually unknown”. i In the past 20 years, autism has increased to 1 in 68 (from 1 in 20,000), ADHD has increased by at least 400 percent, asthma by 300 percent and allergies by 400 percent . ii Childhood type 1 diabetes runs risk in 1 in 400 children and childhood arthritis affects nearly 300,000 children.iii The food industry would be a logical finger-point of origin but let’s remember that the same government that decides what foods are safe to eat also governs the current vaccine schedule.
We’ve been advised that vaccinations are unavoidably “safe” yet, the current vaccination schedule has never been studied with truly vaccinated vs unvaccinated individuals and never studied with multiple vaccines delivered at once, specifically 49 doses in 14 vaccines by age 6.iv Vaccines are prepared with adjuvants such as aluminum, mercury, MSG, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (foreign substances) with unpredictable inflammatory responses.
Thousands of parents that have witnessed permanent health issues and even death in their children after they received vaccines and yet are unable to sue the pharmaceutical companies due to a liability protection designed by the government. Allow me to emphasize: Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines are protected. There are no checks and balances. How can the government assist the pharmaceutical companies without proper safety data and allow no recourse? v
We know that in the first years of life the brain is reaching 80% development by age 2. An infant’s immune-response is heightened compared to a fully developed individual. vi We also know that nearly half of the world population has impaired detoxification <methylation> pathways (cannot support the excretion of metals and toxins).vii And yet the government is attempting to enforce mandatory 24 doses of vaccines before age 2!
Am I against vaccines? No. Virulent diseases such as polio and diphtheria should be vaccinated against. If I were to vaccine my children all over again, I would
• Not allow my children to be vaccinated until after 2 years of age
• Not allow a vaccine if my child was feeling ill on the day of the injection
• Only permit virulent vaccines
• Only allow one vaccine injection per visit, not cluster-fed multiple vaccines.
We need to protect our children in their development, first and foremost. With the rise of immune diseases resulting from antibiotic resistance and autoimmunity, a lack of scientific research to substantiate the administering multiple vaccines at once (let alone injecting in our infants), no liability carried by the pharmaceutical companies, SB 277 will be putting our children at even greater risk of chronic disease.
i http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/12/29/vaccination-schedule-part-one.aspx
ii “Healing the New Childhood Epidemics”- Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Cameron Stauth
iii http://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/transcripts/1348_the-challenge-of-childhood-diabetes
iv http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2010/02/02/9-questions-that-stump-every-pro-vaccine-advocate-and-their-claims/
v http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/March-2011/No-Pharma-Liability–No-Vaccine-Mandates-.aspx
vi http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/11/03/right-vaccine-dosage-for-babies.aspx
vii http://www.dramyyasko.com/resources/autism-pathways-to-recovery/chapter-2/
Be well,