Posts Tagged ‘why’


“ADHD is a catchall diagnosis, into which the medical system too often tosses children who suffer from complex, metabolic disorders.  

ADHD has many diverse causes.

ADHD has many diverse remedies.”  Dr. Kenneth Bock author of Healing the New Childhood Epidemics  

Digestion has to do with allergies?

Food allergies (or sensitivities) occur because of three factors: nutritional, immune and inflammatory. Eating foods serves multiple purposes: to provide both macro and micronutrients for the functions of systems; support optimal function of the brain; provide fuel for the performance of the body and so on.  The processes that are involved to meet these purposes involves digestion and detoxification.   When exploring the three factors that contribute to allergies, digestion must be supported.

The digestive process begins in the mouth when food is chewed and mixed with saliva.  It’s then swallowed and travels into the stomach where acid then helps to break down the food particles.  These particles travels through the intestinal tract where digestive enzymes are activated and further breakdown the food particles.   At any one of these stages, there may be breakdowns that don’t allow the entire breakdown and absorption of nutrients.  Low stomach acid and low digestive enzymes can result in larger food particles.

When food is not completely broken down it creates partial proteins and other molecules that the immune system identifies as foreign invaders.  The immune system follows by attacking these proteins and molecules.  The end result is an allergic response.  An allergic response creates a chronic inflammatory response.  In general, inefficiencies within the digestive system can result in an allergic and inflammatory response and nutritional deficiencies.

Why the depletion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, especially in children?  Medications, heavy metals, dysbiosis in the GI tract (can result from C-Section deliveries), refined foods, sugars, food allergies (not detected early), to name a few.

What to do?

Support the digestive system first, before adding other supplements.  Probiotics, essential fatty acids (low levels are correlated with allergies), stomach acid (if H.Pyroluria has been ruled out), digestive enzymes and a clean sugar free diet is necessary to improve the health of digestive system, reduce inflammation and reduce, if not stop, the allergic response.

Be well,


I eat that food all of the time and it doesn’t bother me…

I hear this comment often from my clients, at least initially. 

I’ve written about the power of identifying  food sensitivities.  A food that is consumed consistently can serve one of two purposes. The first and more preferable outcome is that the food is digested and the nutrients and waste are directed through the proper channels.  The alternative outcome is the food is identified as “foreign” in the body, antibodies unfold and a battle ground is created resulting in chronic inflammation.  The latter is an often time silent process, rather than an immediate cause and effect.

How an individual manifests this inflammatory response is highly individual.  It can manifest into migraines, chronic pain, aches, swelling, vomiting, digestive issues, sleep issues, hormonal problems, fatigue, neurological disorders and so much more. 

When a client consumes a sensitive food consistently, the body becomes “conditioned” or “de-sensitized” to the ongoing crisis.  It’s been a gradual process so the person becomes unaware of the ongoing damage.  It’s not until the food has been fully eliminated for an extended period of time that the body becomes “sensitized”.  It relaxes from the ongoing battle.  When the food is reintroduced, BAM! The response hits and the person realizes that in fact the food is a problem.

Just because you eat a food consistently doesn’t mean it is the right food for your body.  Identifying foods that create an inflammatory response in the body can bring a client many steps closer to healing. 

Check out my Total Transformation Programs here.

What do dinosaurs, weight gain and thumbtacks have in common?

dinoweddingphotobombSorry there is no punchline…even though it may seem likely with a title such as above.  All too often I read and hear about the latest drink mix, short term diet plan, or program that provides meals all for the purpose of helping women and men lose weight.  I also hear about those that struggle through counting calories, weighing themselves in front of peers and trying to fit into a pair of skinny jeans.  In America it’s estimated that more than 1/3 of Americans are obese… that is, severely overweight.  Let’s face it, people living in western civilizations are facing a risk factor of becoming overweight and the odds are against us all.

So why is it that diet fads consume the market and mass media but weight gain is on the rise?  Based on the functional medicine model and my experience, it’s because we are not identifying the root cause for the weight gain.  From a functional perspective weight gain is the thumb tack in the foot.  You can take an anti-inflammatory all day long but if the thumb tack remains, so will the pain for the long term.  Allow me to explain further.

Our physiology, biology and biochemical interactions are consistent with how the body functioned 40,000 years ago.  Yes, we have improved in intelligence since we were cave men/women but our genetic material has changed very little.  During prehistoric times we fought for our food, ran from dinosaurs and ate when it was possible.  Following the hunt and eat, the body would store the food as fat understanding that it will need a fuel source in the coming days; uncertain of its next meal.  Fuel is a matter of life and death for the body, so it prioritizes using the fight/flight response.   The fight/flight response is a built-in survival mechanism, adapting and compensating in order to protect itself, often without us asking it to.

Today, the body performs in much the same way.  When there are chronic stressors (external, internal or multiples) the body creates the same stress response: to store the fat.  Yes, we may not be running from dinosaurs but the body doesn’t make that distinction.  Regardless of the point of stress (food sensitivities, sleep problems, toxic overload, digestive issues, for examples); stress is addressed through the fight/flight response.  This is why all the shakes, diet plans and pre-packaged meals do not create the long term affects dieters are after.  They do not address why the body’s stressed. They rather attempt to act as the anti-inflammatory rather than the thumbtack.    

Are you interested in weight loss?  Then you need to identify the dinosaur(s) and remove the thumb tack.   Once this occurs, the body will resort to a state of ease, release the weight and function how we’d like it to, with long term success. 

Be well,


Sleep Deprivation and what you can do about it- Video

Thank you to those of you that joined me last week for the third part in the series “Get Your Health Back”. I discussed sleep, the systemic results of not sleeping well and getting to the root cause of why you may not be getting optimal sleep.

For those that could not attend I have posted this video. I kept it to under 30 minutes this time, omitting the Q & A. The last part of my series is this Wednesday and I’ll be focusing on Kids Health. Stay tuned for more information.

Be well and Enjoy,