What do Carol Burnett and vitamins have in common?

I’m a 70’s child.  The Carol Burnett show was one of my favorite forms of entertainment. 35 years and two children later I found a copy of Carol Burnett’s Greatest Episodes on DVD.  I purchased it right away and couldn’t wait to share the episodes with my children.   We unpacked the DVD just a couple of weeks ago and began to watch the first episode of the series. 

The DVD began with the opening of the first episode spent with Carol Burnett on the stage taking questions and answers from her audience members.  The audience was packed with people dressed in their time and age:  in 70’s fashion.  Afros, long hair, bell bottoms, multiple patterns and the Dorothy Hamil haircut were modeled by several of the audience members. Carol Burnett standing with a strong poise on the stage graciously accepting all questions from audience members.  She did it with grace, confidence, energy and humor responding to each question with care.    One of the first questions from the audience members  directed this question to Carol Burnett:  “How do  you always seem to have so much energy”?  She answered ‘I take my Vitamins and many of them’.  She then responded with ‘Find a good nutritionist.

 We then proceeded to watch episodes, laughing hysterically at the idiosyncrancies of life.  Carol Burnett’s energy was captured in her every move, gesture and response.  My children found her hilarious and I learned something new from her.  If the right vitamans and supplements are the vitality behind Carol Burnett then we too can achieve those same results.

Be well,



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