What is FDN?

FDN stands for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®.  Sounds like a mouthful, eh?  In simpler terms FDN merges the mindset behind clinical nutrition with functional medicine.  Allow me to break it down and explain it further.

Clinical nutrition is the study of the relationship between food and a healthy body.  Nutritionists are interested in how food works in the body and the effects of the environment on the quality and safety of foods.  Functional medicine is the study of addressing the underlying causes for illness.  Rather than focusing on the symptoms themselves, functional medicine practitioners look at the root of the problems.  It uses a scientific basis, applying functional labs, to help assess the current function of the body.   It then does two things:

1.  Identifies the irritants and assists the client in removing them

2.  Identifies the healing opportunities and offers the support needed.

An FDN practitioner essentially is doing all of the above.  As said by one of my great mentors, Reed Davis,

“Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) is a type of detective work that seeks to identify the underlying causes of disease instead of treating symptoms. Using functional lab work, we identify healing opportunities and engage each client in a health building process using the potent, proven, professional protocols in our D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success program. This includes Diet, Rest, Exercise, Supplements and Stress Reduction. This natural, holistic approach yields the highest level of positive clinical outcomes. We don’t medicate, we educate!”

Here are some of the assessment tools that we use to identify healing opportunities:

Metabolic Typing Diet – find out what foods you need that are specific to you

Hormone Imbalances

Immune Imbalances

Digestive Imbalances

Detoxification Imbalances

Genetic Potential

Chemical Imbalances

Inflammatory Issues

 and more as needed. 

Always feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

Be well,


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