Posts Tagged ‘diet’

Balance the holiday festivities with these top 7 “how to’s”

The holidays are a time for gathering with family and friends.  It’s social for adults, families and children and typically involves foods that we may not indulge in on a consistent basis throughout the year but  are ever present at every event we attend.  So how do you get through the holiday festivities enjoying the foods and drinks but while also keeping your health intact?  The largest focus is to not create a total stress load on your body.  I often use the bathtub analogy which I won’t go into here.  But in essence, keep your tub from overflowing by not over-indulging.  For example all of these indulgences in a day may fill your tub to the rim:  3 cookies, eating dairy which you know doesn’t agree with you, a sugary drink which will keep you up half the night, stressed out from last minute holiday shopping  and travel, etc.  Sound familiar?  Here are 7 great how to’s to help keep your tub ‘low’ and help you keep in balance.

  1.  If it’s a potluck, bring a dish you know that you’ll enjoy and can meet your dietary needs (whatever those needs may be: ie., no dairy, no wheat, no corn, no sugar, etc).  For examples, I am strict about abstaining from dairy, so I’ll bring hummus.  Or my son needs to eat gluten free, so I’ll be sure to pack gluten free crackers (whether I’m asked to bring a dish or not).
  2. Eat the veggies that are offered first.  It’s best to fill up on nutrient dense foods before indulging in the “treats” whatever they may be.
  3. Try to keep with the real food options.  In other words, skip the prepackaged potato salad, fruit/whipped salad, store bought cookies, etc.   Eat home made meat skewers, veggies, avocado dips, etc.   These items require few ingredients and should be closer to “real”.  
  4. Stay away from the “treats” table.  Place yourself in a different location, as far away as possible.
  5. If you are going to indulge (just can’t commit to #4); do so with only one item.   Scan the options that are being offered and acknowledge that you will have the chocolate truffle that’s been waving to you from across the room.  BUT eat the veggies, meat options and other health “real food” items first.  
  6. Enjoy a beverage of your choice without sugars.  And if you do choose alcohol, try to refrain from sugary additives: fruit juices, syrups, etc.  Added sugars create an added toxic load on the liver and may even keep you awake half of the night.  Instead, opt for soda water as an additive with lemons or limes.  
  7. Alternate an alcoholic beverage with water.  I love soda water and that becomes my alternative.  (I will often bring this to a party as well as that I have this as an option).

Have fun.  Enjoy your time with friends and family.  And most of all…. be well.


P.S. if you have other ideas on how to maintain a healthy balance through the holidays please share.  I’d love to hear from you.  

Introducing…Kids Health 101

I’m finally doing it! I’m launching KidsHealth101 Podcast today.  It will feature practitioners that have been successful at helping children heal and recover.   

My mission is “to make child healing and recovery a household conversation”.  

Podcast #1 is “live” as of today and features Dr. Shanna Bissonette interviewing me on why I’m creating a Kids Health movement.     In future podcasts, you’ll hear less from me and much more from my brilliant, pioneer driving professionals that are truly helping kids recover.  

Please join me in this movement by adding your email at  and check out my first podcast!

At Kids Health 101 we will be discussing child developmental needs, growth, nutritional supports and sickness recovery by finding the right tools to heal using a functional approach to health.  Again, my mission is to make childhood healing and recovery a household conversation.  Register at to receive updates of our future presenters.  And spread the word. 

I’m so excited!


A Food Pyramid I’m proud of…

Dr. Mercola just released a food pyramid that finally makes sense.   You’ll see vast differences in the new food pyramid versus the former one that captured the “Standard American diet (acronym S.A.D)” and the attention of the American people  for the past few decades.  In the new improved version you’ll see vegetables and fats at the bottom of the pyramid in the most consumption area. Proteins in the next best area to consume, and grains and sugars at the very top in the least encouraged to consume.  I’d highly encourage printing this out for even your children to take a look at.  What are your thoughts?  I’d love to hear from you.

Be well, Lynn


ADD, Headaches, Pollen Allergies, Autism potentially ends with this dietary change.

This is a powerful TedTalk from a Biochemist/Mother of a child that reversed autistic behaviors.   She communicates the relationship between glutamate receptors, associated symptoms, and the reduced glutamate diet.  It’s a must watch,

Be well,


When low-carb is too low

Eat paleo!  Stay away from carbs! Go Vegan!  Which diet to choose can be confusing.  Plus, we are all individuals with individual biochemical needs so choosing one diet to “fit into” may not work.  

Yes, Paleo is popular right now.  Some Paleo followers will insist that a “true” Paleo diet doesn’t allow sugars, such as honey; others will tell you “their” Paleo diet does.   The key here is to understand that the best diet for you is the “YOU” diet; based on your needs.  I would agree that grains,breads and pastas do not provide “essential” nutrients like protein, that offers “essential” amino acids and fats that offer “essential” fatty acids.  But, some individuals can tolerate more grains in their diet than others.  

So, how to know if you should consider more carbs? Chris Kresser is an outstanding researcher; one I have utmost respect for.  His assistant recently wrote an article entitled “Is a low-carb diet ruining your life?”.  The author makes important distinctions as to when a low-carb diet may not be beneficial.  The supports are made for athletes, adrenal fatigue, thyroid imbalance, gut dysbiosis, pregnancy and more; times when the body is in a chronic state of stress.  

I think this information is important for those of you that are considering going “Paleo” or more importantly want to create a long-term diet that helps you feel amazing.

I’d like to hear from you.  Have you tried eating more fats and giving up carbohydrates in the form of grains, breads and pastas?  How have you felt?

Be well,



Food sensitivities can resolve the most serious symptoms

I’ve written several posts on food sensitivities such as “I have all of these food sensitivities, now what?” and  a video presentation on “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” .  Latest research is revealing that those individuals suffering from food allergies become depleted in fatty acids.  Fatty acid deficiencies can result in neurological problems including dementia, Alzheimers, MS, ALS and so much more.  

I have a sub-practice entitled “Nutrition for Seizures” and I discovered an astounding medical journal summarizing research conducted in 1978 entitled “Oligoantigenic diet treatment of children with epilepsy and migraines”.  The results concluded that a total elimination diet STOPPED recurrent seizures in more than 55% of the children that exhibited symptoms other than seizures (migraines, abdominal symptoms, hyperkinetic behavior).  These results are astounding and yet little focus is directed on elimination diets or the identification of food sensitivities by neurologists.

Fortunately, understanding your food sensitivities can be easily done in the comfort of your own home by eliminating foods and then reintroducing them OR by doing an at-home finger prick test that will reveal a list of foods that you are sensitive to.

Be well,


When nutrition isn’t enough

There are numerous schools of thought when it comes to health.  The allopathic medical profession, integrative physicians, naturopaths, nutritionists, vegans, paleo followers, and so on may vary on approaches to wellness but ultimately agree that a shift in nutrition can and do improve symptoms.   Eating a clean, organic, grass fed, low to no sugar diet can reduce the internal stress on the body.  But is that enough?

Often times, a “new” diet may not be everything that the body needs. It can in fact create a biochemical shift with reactions in the body, but it may not be enough.  Infections, nutritional deficiencies, malabsorption, heavy metals, toxicity and compromised metabolic pathways are obstacles that may prevent the body from responding positively to a shift in diet. 

Some of you more aversed health readers may question this thought process.  What about the high fat ketogenic diet? Or the “juicing” Gerson Therapy?  Both of these therapies have created immense results.     First, these specific therapeutic diets do involve mineral/vitamin supplementations and are not strictly a food diet.  Second, a highly specific fat diet can benefit many of the biochemical pathways but may not support any obstacles in detoxification.  My son was on the classical ketogenic diet: EVERY food item was weighed on a gram scale and recipes were calculated through an online calculator. Yet his seizures persisted and increased. Once we addressed his detoxification pathways with highly targeted supports, his seizures resolved.  I’ve also had clients that have been on very clean diets but heavy metals prevented the healing process, autoimmune symptoms resolved when infections were identified,  mental health issues responding positively with amino acids identified to support pathways.  In all of these chronic illnesses, nutrition wasn’t enough. 

As a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner my position is to identify the tools that the body needs to heal.   I do this by simply looking at two aspects:

  1. what’s irritating the body
  2. what resources the body needs

Nutrition is only one of many modalities.  Highly targeted supplementation, accupuncture, chiropractic, mental health, neurofield work, N.A.E.T., biofeedback, homeopathy and much more are other means to support the healing the process.  Specific diagnostic tests can help in identifying what is interfering in the body’s ability to heal and what supports are needed.

Nutrition is often the main ingredient to wellness, but there are many circumstances when it’s not enough. 

Are you ready for a total transformation program?

Are you ready for a nutritional system that is designed specifically for you? 

Are you tired of:

  • Trying to find the right diet that works?
  • Symptoms (digestive, migraines, sleep issues, poor energy, hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, or other?)
  • Weighing yourself
  • Struggling with fluctuating weight?

I can create a YOUnique program for YOU that:

  • Identifies tools for support to help the body heal and recover
  • Fits your lifestyle and time constraints
  • Keeps you feeling energized
  • Gives you foods to eat for life.

 WARNING:  This is not a one size fits all approach!

I offer TWO programs

#1.  The 30 Day Total Transformation Package Helps you determine your YOUnique Diet and Includes:

  • A 50 foods sensitivity lab test done in the privacy of your own home. Results will be interpreted and a unique diet approach will be created for you.  
  • A nutrition assessment: digestion is a major contributor of inflammation and stress on the body. An individualized nutrition plan will be recommended in a 30 minute consultation. 
  • Recipe Guide: packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes that will reduce inflammation, support your hormones, aid in digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied.
  • Facebook support group: for a full 30 days. This offers ongoing support in a group setting
  • Available by email or phone: on an as needed basis for 30 days. 15 minute sessions.
  • A Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your transformation a breeze
  • Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program
  • 30 minute follow up consultation.

Book an Appointment

I started working with Lynn in the summer of 2014 for fatigue and Hashimoto’s syndrome. She help me to improve my overall health and with working with my md I have a healthier stomach and intestinal track. Lowered my thyroid RX 3 times and has me on the correct vitamins and supplements and diet for my condition. I feel great for the first time in years. She is so knowledgable, caring and supportive an amazing woman. I would and have recommended her to friends and family.

Read other testimonials here

#2. The 90 Day Total Transformation Package Includes:

This step-by-step approach to Transforming YOU in 90 Days is designed to help you finally figure out the nutritional tools you need to support all of your symptoms and problems. (If you have a symptom or multiples…this is the program for you!)

Are you ready to?

What’s included in this 90 Day Transformation Program?
● An initial 30 minute consultation: a comprehensive discussion to assess the performance of all of your H.I.D.D.E.N stressors (hormones, immune, digestive, detoxification, environment and neurotransmitters).
● A functional cortisol/sex/sleep hormones lab test: this will share with us the performance of your stress hormone, sleep hormone and how your sex hormones are performing. 
● A 60 minute lab test results discussion and recommendations
● A nutrition assessment: digestion is a major contributor of inflammation and stress on the body. Digestion, Detoxification and the Immune system will be addressed.   An individualized nutrition plan will be recommended. 
● Recipe Guide: packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes that will reduce inflammation, support your hormones, aid in digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied.
● Facebook support group: for the full 90 days. This offers ongoing support in a group setting
● Available by email or phone: on an as needed basis. 15 minute sessions.
● A Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your transformation a breeze
● Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program

 Are you ready for a total transformation? If so I’m here to help.

Book an Appointment

Be well,


What do dinosaurs, weight gain and thumbtacks have in common?

dinoweddingphotobombSorry there is no punchline…even though it may seem likely with a title such as above.  All too often I read and hear about the latest drink mix, short term diet plan, or program that provides meals all for the purpose of helping women and men lose weight.  I also hear about those that struggle through counting calories, weighing themselves in front of peers and trying to fit into a pair of skinny jeans.  In America it’s estimated that more than 1/3 of Americans are obese… that is, severely overweight.  Let’s face it, people living in western civilizations are facing a risk factor of becoming overweight and the odds are against us all.

So why is it that diet fads consume the market and mass media but weight gain is on the rise?  Based on the functional medicine model and my experience, it’s because we are not identifying the root cause for the weight gain.  From a functional perspective weight gain is the thumb tack in the foot.  You can take an anti-inflammatory all day long but if the thumb tack remains, so will the pain for the long term.  Allow me to explain further.

Our physiology, biology and biochemical interactions are consistent with how the body functioned 40,000 years ago.  Yes, we have improved in intelligence since we were cave men/women but our genetic material has changed very little.  During prehistoric times we fought for our food, ran from dinosaurs and ate when it was possible.  Following the hunt and eat, the body would store the food as fat understanding that it will need a fuel source in the coming days; uncertain of its next meal.  Fuel is a matter of life and death for the body, so it prioritizes using the fight/flight response.   The fight/flight response is a built-in survival mechanism, adapting and compensating in order to protect itself, often without us asking it to.

Today, the body performs in much the same way.  When there are chronic stressors (external, internal or multiples) the body creates the same stress response: to store the fat.  Yes, we may not be running from dinosaurs but the body doesn’t make that distinction.  Regardless of the point of stress (food sensitivities, sleep problems, toxic overload, digestive issues, for examples); stress is addressed through the fight/flight response.  This is why all the shakes, diet plans and pre-packaged meals do not create the long term affects dieters are after.  They do not address why the body’s stressed. They rather attempt to act as the anti-inflammatory rather than the thumbtack.    

Are you interested in weight loss?  Then you need to identify the dinosaur(s) and remove the thumb tack.   Once this occurs, the body will resort to a state of ease, release the weight and function how we’d like it to, with long term success. 

Be well,


Lynn does what?

My apologies (I posted the wrong video.  A major OOPS).  

Many people question what FDN is and what I do specifically to help men,women,children find the tools they need to heal from symptoms.  Ultimately FDN merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine. Not sure what functional medicine is? Have you ever seen Dr. Mark Hyman on the Dr. Oz show? He practices functional medicine as a physician.  I am not a physician and I do not treat or diagnose but rather identify and support.  This video offers a brief explanation of my approach.  Hope this helps.

Be well,