Posts Tagged ‘disease’

“Why diseases don’t exist and what really makes you sick”

The title is quoted from Dr. Hyman’s recent blog. Dr. Hyman is a functional medicine doctor and mainstream well-recognized guru in the field of functional medicine. I encourage you to read this particular blog from top to bottom if:

  • You are 1 in 2 (yikes!) Americans that experience a chronic illness 
  • You have been give a name (chronic fatigue syndrome) for your illness, then it’s blamed (it’s because you have chronic fatigue syndrome) for your illness and then it was attempted to be tamed (here’s a medication).  
  • You don’t have results and are stuck in sickness.

My apologies if this comes across too harsh but the information is necessary.

Please read the blog here 

Always in your interest to be well,


The best supplements for Hashimoto’s

Dr. Christensen nailed this article.  So I’m going to insert it exactly as is.  For those of you with the autoimmune condition of Hashimoto’s, here is an excellent summary of the supplements that are needed (and not much more).  (Note: Lifestyle choices are equally as important but are not included here).

“Supplements To Take For Hashimoto’s

 By: Dr. Alan Christianson


With the vast array of supplements readily available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with taking too many each day. When it comes to which supplements to take for Hashimoto’s, I have a simple strategy: Keep it focused and simple.

What do I mean by that?

With Hashimoto’s, you want to make sure you are getting what you need, and you aren’t getting what you don’t need.

Simple, right?

Some supplements will work against your body and set you back. Others aren’t bad, per se, but they aren’t the most important when it comes to treating Hashimoto’s. Remember, your body metabolizes all supplements through the liver, so taking 20-30 a day may have little benefit and be hard on your system.

Which supplements do you want to make sure you are getting?

  1. Vitamin A: You want to get a good blend of carotenoids. Beta carotene is the carotenoid you hear about most. Your body makes beta carotene into active vitamin A. In order to get a good blend of carotenoids, look for whole foods and versions of vitamin A that contain them. I love palm fruit, as it has a nice spectrum of carotenoids and is very bioavailable. This means it’s easy for the body to convert and activate.
  1. Vitamin C: I recommend 500-1,000 milligrams per day and not much more than that. There is a lot of data proving antioxidants are important, but if you have too much of any one, you end up robbing your body’s own antioxidants (like superoxide dismutase or glutathione).
  1. Vitamin D: This vitamin is super-important and available in many forms. I prefer the capsules, as it’s easier to track how much I’m getting. Very few people reach a good blood level of Vitamin D with less than 10,000 units per day. Make sure you’re taking enough, and you’re taking it with food.

When considering vitamin D supplementation, it’s important to realize this vitamin allows your body to absorb calcium. This is a good thing if you’re getting the right type of calcium, and your body is using it properly, yielding stronger bones. It’s a bad thing if it isn’t the right type of calcium or if your body isn’t using it well. This will create plaque in the blood vessels, causing joint calcification, kidney stones or gallstones.
The important types of calcium are those similar to the calcium found in plants. They dissolve easily in water. My favorite form is dicalcium malate. It won’t cause calcification or gum up your arteries. This type is also free of lead. A lot of calcium is derived from oyster shells or bones (like the microcrystalline hydroxyapatite). There is concern about lead contamination with these types. (Because bone tissue always contain lead, there is also concern regarding bone broths, collagen and gelatin.)
It is good to take a plant-based magnesium, as well. When it comes to calcium-magnesium ratios, many of the high-dosage guidelines were based on types not easily absorbed. I’m a fan of a couple hundred milligrams (or even slightly less) per day and in close-to-equal ratios. When you’re taking forms that are well-absorbed and free of lead, you don’t need much.

  1. B-Vitamins: The B-vitamins are all critically important. Let’s look at them individually.

Folic Acid: Avoid all synthetic folic acid. This is important for one reason: Those with thyroid disease have a gene defect that causes folic acid to be poison, raising the risk for colorectal cancer. Instead, look for methylfolate as your folate source. You need a milligram per day, which is 1,000 micrograms. This helps your body with its methylation pathways.

B12: The preferred form of B12 is methyl B12, which is well-absorbed orally.

Biotin: Biotin is critical for your hair, skin and nail health. You want to take 3,000 micrograms (and not more than 3,500 micrograms) per day. If you take much more than this, it actually blocks the body’s usage of it. Many people take mega doses, thinking it will help their hair, and it doesn’t.

B6: Both pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal 5-phosphate are good forms of B6.

Thiamine: There is current data, showing thiamine is beneficial for both the antibodies of Hashimoto’s and hormone conversion.

B5 (Pantothenic Acid or Pantothenate): This B-vitamin benefits your cortisol levels and cortisol conversion. It’s good to have a few milligrams per day

  1. Vitamin K: The best form of vitamin K is vitamin K2. The most research has been done on a form called MK-7. It’s like the vitamin K we make in our intestinal tract. Vitamin K2 allows your body to direct calcium to the bones and away from the blood vessels. It also plays an important role in your blood’s ability to clot properly.
  1. Trace Minerals: Trace minerals and ultra trace minerals are extremely important. When it comes to thyroid disease, selenium is the big hitter. Selenium is difficult to absorb and is still being debated as to how well it enters the bloodstream in supplemental form. The most data is available regarding selenium glycinate complexes (selenium bound with a carrier protein, called glycine). This form is easily absorbed, non-toxic and effective.

Also, consider a few of the more exotic trace minerals: vanadium, molybdenum, boron and manganese. These are all critical for building and utilizing thyroid hormones.

  1. Bioflavonoids: There are two important bioflavonoids I recommend: hersperetin and quercetin. These do well in strengthening your connective tissues. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids or easy bruising are all related to the strength of connective tissue. So, take a few milligrams of these two bioflavonoids on a regular basis to help round out your supplementation.
  1. Essential Fats: EPA and DHA are the critical essential fats to control inflammation, keep the brain functioning well and help repair joints and cartilage.”

Be well,


Day 3: You are taking care of your body.

“During the past few decades, multiple studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of meditation on various cardiovascular risk factors. In addition to decreasing cardiovascular mortality, meditation has also been shown to improve conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), and high cortisol levels.” – adapted from Meditation and coronary heart disease: a review of the current clinical evidence.

Every time you meditate you are promoting a healing response.

Keep up the great work.

Be well,



Are you chronically inflamed?

sickSwelling, pain, irritation, mood swings, chronic, fatigue, poor energy, poor recovery, autoimmunity, neurological symptoms and weight gain are just some of the symptoms one can experience with chronic inflammation.  If you can’t ‘put your finger on’ why you aren’t feeling well; inflammation is the culprit.  

Where does chronic inflammation come from?  In the functional world there are 9 specific areas:

  1.  Sugar and refined foods.
  2. Hidden food sensitivities
  3. Nutritional Deficiencies
  4. Toxins including heavy metals
  5. Digestive Issues
  6. Stress
  7. Inadequate/Excessive exercise.
  8. Insufficient sleep.
  9. Chronic infections.

I refer to the 9 above as H.I.D.D.E.N. stressors.  All of these stressors affect the Hormone, Immune, Digestive, Detoxification, are impacted by the Environment and affect Neurotransmitters (our calming mechanisms).  

Are you inflamed?  If so, reach out to one of us in the functional world.  We are here to help.

Be well,


For Our Men: Important!!!

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in both men and women. Women receive a warning system as they age if there are imbalances, infections and/or inflammation. It’s called perimenopause and menopause. Symptoms vary from women to women and unlike common beliefs, hot flashes, inability to sleep, weight gain are not normal, but rather warning signs. Men, however, don’t receive a warning system per say. Or do they? I just recently listened to an excellent podcast by Dr. Joel Kahn, a holistic cardiologist. What he had to say is extremely important. I urge you to read this thoroughly and to share this with your loved ones.

Don’t wait for chest pain or a mild heart attack to seek help. There are other early warning symptoms that must be explored:

  • Erectile dysfunction is an indication of vascular issues and can be a predictor of heart disease. There’s a strong correlation between erectile dysfunction preceding heart disease.
  • Baldness can indicate clogged arteries.
  • Calf cramps may indicate that blood is not flowing below the heart.
  • A vertical ear crease has been correlated with heart disease.
  • Poor sleep habits (less than 7 hours per sleep per night) increases risk.
  • A poor diet.

If you feel that you or your loved one is showing these risk factors, then please read further.

What tests have been traditionally conducted? An EKG/ECG, which is commonly recommended, recognizes only electrical activity of the heart and identifies latent stages of advanced heart disease. Alllow me to emphasize, an EKG doesn’t recognize early stages and is not enough. An exercise stress test: looks for lesions… but if 40 to 60% of the lesions are narrowed, it will be missed. In other words a stress test picks up the worst of the worst. Cardio lite is nuclear ingested and involves loads of radiation providing great inaccuracies…false positives and missed populations.

It’s important to look at the actual arteries to find out if they are blocked.

There are two extremely important tests that offer early detection of heart disease. The first is a coronary artery scan. This will show if 99% or more of arteries are damaged. There are three main arteries that pump blood in and out of the heart. The heart arteries are deep and small. Calcification (bone like material in arteries also referred to as plaque) contains 20% of calcium and show up easy in XRays. The test involves a cat heart scan (quick and informative) and is available in every clinic across the country. Nothing is injected into the blood stream and the radiation exposure is 1 SMV compared to the cardiolite which is 12-15SMV’s. The ideal result is “0” based on a formula. A result of 1-99 increases the risk of heart disease by 50% more than patients with 0. This test is not necessary to repeat more than every 10 years. The Coronary artery calcium screen costs about $100 to $150 per test but is unfortunately not covered by insurance.

The second is a CMIT test ultrasound of the carotid arteries in the neck under the skin. CMIT stands for Carotid Intima-Media thickness. This neck ultrasound checks the thickness of the artery…compared to age. This is the earliest way to know the age of your arteries (are they older or younger than your chronological age). Based on these results a program can begin and this ultrasound can be repeated 6 to 12 months to monitor. The results will show: less than 25th percentile suggests a low risk, 50 -75th percentile offers average thickness and over 75th percentile in thickness of the arteries suggests the highest risk. A middle aged person is .6 to .7 micrometers. For ever .1mm increase in the CMIT results, the risk for heart disease increases by 10 to 15% and the risk of stroke increases by 13 to 18%. The cost again is not covered by insurance but ranges from $150 to $250. Unfortunately it is not as widely available.
Other necessary tests that are recommended by Dr. Kahn and are widely available are:
1. Advanced Cholesterol panel
2. High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein

Let’s continue to be proactive in health.

“The best time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining”. 

Be well,


Top neurologist discusses gut/brain connection and the cause of major neurological diseases.

It’s a must watch.



Be well,


So you have your DNA results…now what?

Many of you have expressed an interest in getting the results of your genetic makeup.   I’ve spent hours studying and a weekend in Seattle, WA learning about gene variances and what can be done about them.  The news is: your genes are fixed BUT they can be turned on OR off.  Lifestyle choices including diet, exercise and even supplementation can help determine whether those genes are turned on OR off.

I do find knowing your genetic variances helpful, but not necessarily the best directive.  I’m more interested in how the body is performing and can usually interpret by seeking certain metabolic markers from a variety of lab tests.

But if you’ve pursued your genetic makeup through the very affordable company ($99 at the time of this blog) you can get a highly beneficial FREE interpretation of those results detailing nutritional supports/supplements to take and to avoid.  This information is invaluable in promoting a body that performing optimally.  Did I mention free?

Here’s the link.


Genetic Genie is another option but I find nutrahacker provides more specific information on supplementation.  

If you are interested in more information on genetic variances, please refer to my blog article “Genetics do not cause Epidemics

Be well,


Are you ready for a total transformation program?

Are you ready for a nutritional system that is designed specifically for you? 

Are you tired of:

  • Trying to find the right diet that works?
  • Symptoms (digestive, migraines, sleep issues, poor energy, hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, or other?)
  • Weighing yourself
  • Struggling with fluctuating weight?

I can create a YOUnique program for YOU that:

  • Identifies tools for support to help the body heal and recover
  • Fits your lifestyle and time constraints
  • Keeps you feeling energized
  • Gives you foods to eat for life.

 WARNING:  This is not a one size fits all approach!

I offer TWO programs

#1.  The 30 Day Total Transformation Package Helps you determine your YOUnique Diet and Includes:

  • A 50 foods sensitivity lab test done in the privacy of your own home. Results will be interpreted and a unique diet approach will be created for you.  
  • A nutrition assessment: digestion is a major contributor of inflammation and stress on the body. An individualized nutrition plan will be recommended in a 30 minute consultation. 
  • Recipe Guide: packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes that will reduce inflammation, support your hormones, aid in digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied.
  • Facebook support group: for a full 30 days. This offers ongoing support in a group setting
  • Available by email or phone: on an as needed basis for 30 days. 15 minute sessions.
  • A Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your transformation a breeze
  • Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program
  • 30 minute follow up consultation.

Book an Appointment

I started working with Lynn in the summer of 2014 for fatigue and Hashimoto’s syndrome. She help me to improve my overall health and with working with my md I have a healthier stomach and intestinal track. Lowered my thyroid RX 3 times and has me on the correct vitamins and supplements and diet for my condition. I feel great for the first time in years. She is so knowledgable, caring and supportive an amazing woman. I would and have recommended her to friends and family.

Read other testimonials here

#2. The 90 Day Total Transformation Package Includes:

This step-by-step approach to Transforming YOU in 90 Days is designed to help you finally figure out the nutritional tools you need to support all of your symptoms and problems. (If you have a symptom or multiples…this is the program for you!)

Are you ready to?

What’s included in this 90 Day Transformation Program?
● An initial 30 minute consultation: a comprehensive discussion to assess the performance of all of your H.I.D.D.E.N stressors (hormones, immune, digestive, detoxification, environment and neurotransmitters).
● A functional cortisol/sex/sleep hormones lab test: this will share with us the performance of your stress hormone, sleep hormone and how your sex hormones are performing. 
● A 60 minute lab test results discussion and recommendations
● A nutrition assessment: digestion is a major contributor of inflammation and stress on the body. Digestion, Detoxification and the Immune system will be addressed.   An individualized nutrition plan will be recommended. 
● Recipe Guide: packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes that will reduce inflammation, support your hormones, aid in digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied.
● Facebook support group: for the full 90 days. This offers ongoing support in a group setting
● Available by email or phone: on an as needed basis. 15 minute sessions.
● A Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your transformation a breeze
● Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program

 Are you ready for a total transformation? If so I’m here to help.

Book an Appointment

Be well,


Sources of all chronic illness

These 9 areas have been identified in the functional medicine world as the 9 sources of all chronic inflammation and illness.  Whether you are experiencing weight gain, chronic fatigue, autoimmune, skin issues, digestive issues or just want more energy (just to name a few), these 9 areas when addressed can get you where you want to be.  


If there is no such thing as “bad” cholesterol then why the increase in heart disease?

So why did it take so long for researchers to identify that Ancel Keys study was seriously flawed? The rise of obesity and chronic illness has finally forced health professionals to question why fat has been so largely discouraged. The deeply falsified details of Ancel Keys findings are surfacing. “When researchers went back and analyzed some of the data from the Seven Countries study, they found that what best correlated with heart disease was not saturated fat intake but sugar,” .  Several studies to date confirm that in fact it is sugar that increases the risk of heart disease, not fats.

Recently published by the JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) was its findings that sugar is the major culprit leading to heart disease among many other chronic diseases. USA today featured an article summarizing its findings:

“• People who consumed more than 21% of daily calories from added sugar had double the risk of death from heart disease as those who consumed less than 10% of calories from added sugars.

A person on a 2,000-calorie diet who consumes 21% of their daily calories from added sugar would be eating 420 calories from added sugar, which would be roughly three cans of regular soda a day.

• People who consumed between 17% to 21% of daily calories from added sugar had a 38% higher risk of death from heart disease than people who consumed less than 10% of calories from added sugars.

• People who consumed seven or more servings a week of sugar-sweetened beverages were at a 29% higher risk of death from heart disease than those who consumed one serving or less.

• The findings were consistent across age groups, sex, physical-activity levels, weights and dietary habits.

• Added sugar intake has changed slightly over the past 20 years, from 16% of daily calories in 1994 to 17% in 2004 to 15% in 2010.

The paper’s senior author Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, says excessive intake of added sugar appears to negatively affect health in several ways. It has been linked to the development of high blood pressure, increased triglycerides (blood fats), low HDL (good) cholesterol, fatty liver problems, as well as making insulin less effective in lowering blood sugar.

Rachel Johnson, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association and a nutrition professor at the University of Vermont, says, “Now we know that too much added sugar doesn’t just make us fat, it increases our risk of death from heart disease.””

(Taken from USA Today’s “Eating too much added sugar may be killing you”. .

Stay tuned for the next part in this series on the technical side of how sugar increases the risk of heart disease.

Be well,
