Posts Tagged ‘paleo’

Cauliflower pizza crust- super easy to make GF, Paleo and grain free

IMG_3213I recall the days of making cauliflower pizza crust for my son when he was on the ketogenic diet.  My family found it surprisingly delicious.  At that time the recipe we acquired was a bit more labor intensive.  Being the hunter that I am, I found a new-to-me recipe that cuts down the preparation to 10 minutes but  do allow 55 minutes for baking time (can’t seem to reduce the baking time yet).  Did I mention the total recipe only requires 3 main ingredients?


2 pounds cauliflower florets, riced
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup soft goat cheese (chevre)
1 teaspoon dried oregano
pinch of salt


Preheat your oven to 400F, then get to work on your crust.

Step 1: Begin by making your cauliflower “rice.”

Simply pulse batches of raw cauliflower florets in a food processor, until a rice-like texture is achieved.

Step 2: Cook & Strain the rice.

Fill a large pot with about an inch of water, and bring it to a boil. Add the “rice” and cover; let it cook for about 4-5 minutes. Drain into a fine-mesh strainer.

Now here comes the secret:

Once you’ve strained the rice, transfer it to a clean, thin dishtowel.

Wrap up the steamed rice in the dishtowel, twist it up, then SQUEEEEEEEZE all the excess moisture out! (Be careful not to burn your hands!)

It’s amazing how much liquid will be released, which will leave you with a nice and dry pizza crust.


Step 3: Make & Shape the dough.

In a large bowl, mix up your strained rice, beaten egg, goat cheese, and spices.

Don’t be afraid to use your hands! You want it very well mixed.

It won’t be like any pizza dough you’ve ever worked with, but don’t worry– it’ll hold together!

Press the dough out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. (It’s important that it’s lined with parchment paper, which is not to be confused with WAX paper– they’re very different!) ON a side note I used a silicone mat.  

Keep the dough about 1/3″ thick, and make the edges a little higher for a “crust” effect, if you like.

Step 4: Bake!

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 400F.

It’s that easy and absolutely delicious.

Be well,


P.S.  I need to spread credit where credit is due: thanks to for this updated recipe.

My new favorite “rice”


 After Thanksgiving I’m usually “potato-ed” out.  I’ve consumed my fair share of roasted and sweet potatoes and yams.  The day after I’m ready for a different side dish to my standard protein fat and veggies meal.  Yet, rice doesn’t settle well with me even though I enjoy the flavor.  Often I make dishes for my family that include rice:  fried rice, curry, rice bowls, for examples.  But I’ve needed a substitute.  

I can’t believe how ridiculously EASY and FAST this is to make. I had heard of cauliflower rice but couldn’t believe that it could truly substitute rice: the consistency and the tolerance for juices.  Boy, was I wrong.  It’s absolutely delicious and even faster to make than rice!


Cauliflower (in a Vitamix or blender for 30 seconds until it’s seriously chopped)

Sautee the chopped cauliflower in a pan in oil for 1-2 minutes.  Add in your favorite vegetables and seasonings.   

fauxfriedriceIt’s that easy.  And perfect for us paleo fans as well.

Be well,


40 Healthy Gluten Free Lunch Ideas

The Paleo Mom put together 40 healthy gluten free lunch ideas that trumps any other site I’ve seen.  It’s filled with pictures completing each meal with protein, fats and carbohydrates and VARIETY (something I severely lack in).  
Last year I implemented encouragement for my kids to make their own lunches the night before (thanks to my friend Annie).  I can see that they are lacking variety as well in building their lunches even though their enthusiasm remains.  I’m so looking forward to sharing these pictures with them.  Here’s a sample of one lunch with 39 to go.  Be sure to visit the site here.


Be well,



When low-carb is too low

Eat paleo!  Stay away from carbs! Go Vegan!  Which diet to choose can be confusing.  Plus, we are all individuals with individual biochemical needs so choosing one diet to “fit into” may not work.  

Yes, Paleo is popular right now.  Some Paleo followers will insist that a “true” Paleo diet doesn’t allow sugars, such as honey; others will tell you “their” Paleo diet does.   The key here is to understand that the best diet for you is the “YOU” diet; based on your needs.  I would agree that grains,breads and pastas do not provide “essential” nutrients like protein, that offers “essential” amino acids and fats that offer “essential” fatty acids.  But, some individuals can tolerate more grains in their diet than others.  

So, how to know if you should consider more carbs? Chris Kresser is an outstanding researcher; one I have utmost respect for.  His assistant recently wrote an article entitled “Is a low-carb diet ruining your life?”.  The author makes important distinctions as to when a low-carb diet may not be beneficial.  The supports are made for athletes, adrenal fatigue, thyroid imbalance, gut dysbiosis, pregnancy and more; times when the body is in a chronic state of stress.  

I think this information is important for those of you that are considering going “Paleo” or more importantly want to create a long-term diet that helps you feel amazing.

I’d like to hear from you.  Have you tried eating more fats and giving up carbohydrates in the form of grains, breads and pastas?  How have you felt?

Be well,



Easy, simple, chocolate pudding… to die for

The food manufacturers have convinced us that fast and easy pudding has to come out of a box.  This home made recipe is just as fast, pure in ingredients and a keeper (my kids gave it a huge thumbs up and they’re my biggest critics). 


   1 Lindt bar dark chocolate (3oz) (I use 85% dark chocolate)

   3 cups of your favorite milk (I use Unsweetened Almond Milk)

   1 tsp vanilla extract

   3Tbl Gluten free Cornstarch


Melt the chocolate bar and 21/2 cups of milk in a pot.  On the side, whisk the remaining 1/2 cup of milk and cornstarch in a cup and pour into the pot.  Add 6 drops of stevia.  When the chocolate mixture boils, turn it off.  Pour your pudding into individual cups or into the simple almond meal crust below for a pudding pie .  It’s delish. Enjoy.

Be well,

After 17 years of being a pescetarian, I’ve started eating meat again…

For the past 20 years I’ve studied, review, listen and read, read, read about the benefits of food and diet.  In the end I believe that the most congruent message whether you are a vegetarian, pescetarian or pro-paleo is to eat real food.    Real food provides the body with the nutrients it needs.

 I’ve learned that there are essential amino acids and essential fatty acids (Nope there’s no such thing as “essential carbohydrates”).  Fatty acids can be acquired through a pescetarian diet (if you are conscientious about each meal and it nutritional value).   Meat, fish, eggs are all protein sources that offer all of the 21 essential and non-essential amino acids.  Amino acids are the building blocks of life.  Each and every amino acid individually and collectively serve a major purpose: building and repairing muscle, supporting the brain, supporting the mitochondria (source of all energy), supporting our stress response (we need that these days!), building the foundation to our detoxification system, and so on.  Any deficiency in one amino acid can create a mal-function within the body.  Any mal-function can create a cascade of effects.

Living on a pescetarian diet has its limitations.  Fish, eggs and whole sprouted organic tofu and a few plant-based foods are truly the only options to acquire the 21 essential and non-essential amino acids.  Alternative vegan/vegetarian products are filled with chemicals, Soy vegetable protein (TVP), processes and even gluten (seiten).  Those products are exactly that; a product, not real food.  Fish has its issues as well as our oceans, lakes and rivers are contaminated.  So truly a real food, pescetarian diet would require small fish (that can fit in a pan), free range local eggs and tofu.  I was getting bored with my food options.  And the research was compelling regarding the benefits of eating grass-fed, organic meat.

Why did I quit eating meat in the first place? I suffered from debilitating menstrual pain (vomiting, diarrhea, severe exhaustion) since I was 12 years of age.  The doctors placed me on many anti-inflammatories including drugs, attempted to remove the tissue (the burns were too deep), put me through menopause when I was 20 and their last recommendation was Vicodin on a weekly basis.  After 14 years of severe pain, no resolve and on my way to a drug addiction I read Dr. Northrup’s book “Women’s Body, Women’s Wisdom”.  She recommended that dairy and meats were inflammatory.  She also suggested eliminating them to see if it made a difference.  (An elimination diet in 1996?  Now it is one healing modality for my clients).  I became a vegan.  In 3 months my pain became tolerable. In 6 months it was mostly gone.   My years of eating an American, Italian diet were over.  Or so I thought.

When I study and learn and if applicable I will try the health tip out on myself.  For example: eating a spoonful of coconut oil every morning, interval training at 20 minutes per day 4 times per week (to compare benefits to endurance training), progesterone therapy, abstaining from alcohol, sugars and wheat… etcetera.   I am 44 years old, athletic, lean and a borderline A personality.  Basic metabolic typing suggests that my body requires more fats and proteins in my diet to support the external stressors and the internal stressors.   I am peri-menopausal which means hormonal shifts are occurring.  I am cautious about how I will cycle.  Will I experience pain again? I won’t know if my health will improve/decline until I try.

Beginning to eat organic grass-fed meat again is a major mind-shift and will create a biochemical shift as well.  I’m looking forward to the findings and I’ll be sure to share them with you as I journey through this change.

I’ll let you know.  

Be well,


Christmas without sugar

Christmas time has always been filled with quality family time in our house: crafts, baking and gift giving. And even though sweets are often a part of tradition building gingerbread houses, baking cookies and sweets we’ve begun our own tradition of keeping it as low in sugar as possible.

Our ‘gingerbread house’ is actually made from crafts, cookies made gluten free with sugar-less frosting (and it’s delicious) and always a pint of sugar-less ice cream in the freezer (made with coconut milk, mint and stevia) to top our homemade fruit pies.

We enjoy the time dedicated to us and health ( and our company seems to enjoy them too). I’ll be posting a few of our favorite holiday treats to share for now and in the future.

Be well,

