Posts Tagged ‘meditation’

Meditation Invitation is wrapping up

A huge thank you to those of you that participated in the meditation affirmation “practice”.  I did get my meditations in for these 10 days and I’m pushing forward to continue implementing meditation daily.  I’ll keep you posted on my progress and I’d love to hear about yours.  

Thank you for others insight and sharing your experience.  We’re all in this health movement together.

Here’s a recap of the meditation audios available:

Feel free to bookmark this page.

Be well,



3 Myths about Meditation

I’m on Day 9 of Meditation Affirmation and so far so good.  All this means is I have meditated every single day.  Some days the meditation was more engrossing tha other days.   But I set the bar low wanting to feel successful.  It seems as though I was onto something.

There’s an excellent post in the Huffington Post enitled “The 3 Things that finally helped me stick with meditation”.    The post is written by an amateur meditator (like myself) who recognized a million right reasons to meditate (like me) but felt like she was failing if incorrect thoughts entered the mind. The author experienced guilt about short meditations and didn’t want to come off as a “yogi master” knowing that she was an actual newbie.  Once she shifted her paradigm to believe the following three things, she was able to stick with meditating.  These are definitely worth sharing:

  1.  Short meditation sessions are valuable.  Who has an hour to more to meditate daily?  If you do make that time, then good on you.  For me, honestly, there were a few 10 minute meditation sessions when distractions occurred (phone ringing, kids tugging, etc).  I look forward to an hour of uninterrupted time (my future goal!).  
  2. Replace the term “meditation” with what makes you feel comfortable: “relaxing time”, “time for self”, etc.  Often times we feel meditation translates to the Dalai Lama or week long retreats.  Choose a title that you feel comfortable with.
  3. Thoughts are part of meditating.  I too believed that distracting thoughts meant I wasn’t meditating or that I stunk at it.  Meditation is a time to accept; not resist.  

How are you doing as we approach the 10th day of the 10 Day Meditation Affirmation Invitation?  (I couldn’t resist all of the “ations”:))  Will you continue? Do you have beliefs that are holding you back?

I’d love to hear from you.

Be well,


Day 3: You are taking care of your body.

“During the past few decades, multiple studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of meditation on various cardiovascular risk factors. In addition to decreasing cardiovascular mortality, meditation has also been shown to improve conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), and high cortisol levels.” – adapted from Meditation and coronary heart disease: a review of the current clinical evidence.

Every time you meditate you are promoting a healing response.

Keep up the great work.

Be well,



Day 2- Meditation Affirmation

On Sunday, I had a long day of travel with kids in tow.  Despite the travel, I wanted to explore meditation audios before I shared them with you.  I explained to my kids that I needed 10 minutes of time to play an audio, while I drove.    Toward the end of the audio the instructor advised that the listener could open their eyes.  After 10 full minutes of cooperative silence in the backseat, my daughter chimed in ‘mom, you weren’t driving with your eyes closed, were you?’  

While driving may not be the best time to focus on breathing, relaxation and inner peace it was the time I allotted.  Today, I had complete and utter silence in my environment as I listened to 2 new audios and I’m happy to share them with you.  I enjoyed the intention of loving kindness and again felt very relaxed immediately following the audios.  

The first is Loving Kindness Meditation (9 minutes)

and a (3 minute) Body Scan Meditation for when you just don’t think you have enough time.

Here’s to new resources and to those of you that are taking time for yourselves.  

If you haven’t started meditating yet, you can start at any moment.

Be well,


Meditation Affirmation- How’d you do?

There is something about the clothing I wear and the way I feel. I’ve been like this since I was a teenager. At 18 I bought myself my first pair of cowboy boots and every time I wore them I felt like I could float in confidence.  So today, I dressed in something earthy hoping to feel grounded.  

I listened to the “Radiate Love” audio today.  Afterward I felt relaxed like I do immediately following a massage (when the therapist leaves the room).  My shoulders had dropped, and my world felt calm.  

How did you do? Did you set the time aside? Did that time work well for you? Which meditation audio did you listen to? Did you enjoy it?  Did you have struggles?

I’d love to hear from you.

We are in this together.

Be well,


Meditation Affirmation- DAY 1

Thank you to all of you who signed up to join me in practicing meditation.  Yep, that’s my goal.  Not to be an accomplished meditator but just to begin.  

Tomorrow is our introductory day of meditation. Just 10 minutes…no more.  Now may be a good time to consider what’s the best time of day for you to practice your 10 minute meditation.  Is first thing in the morning best? Noon: just before lunch? Mid-afternoon, when the kids are napping? In the evening while sitting in the bathtub?  For tomorrow, just pick a time.  You can always change it.  

You may begin with this audio:

Sending Love (Female and only 10 minutes long)

Or if you’d rather be even more adventurous here are other options:

  1. Cultivating Peace and Joy  (Aussie male and 17 minutes long) 
  2. A long list of other meditation options.

Please enjoy all that your 10 minutes offers: including the distractions and the thoughts that may drift in/out (much against your will).  

Be well,


True story and I need your help

I suck at meditation.  I’ve tried in the past to sit quietly, legs folded, hands in a receiving position, focusing on a white sheet of paper.  It lasts about 3 seconds before thoughts come in like a hail storm. ‘I could go for a run’, ‘did Lainey take her lunch?’, ‘I could use a new pair of shoes’…you name it, I think it. Anything and everything but that white sheet of paper.  I usually get up from my meditation attempt and decide I’m bad at it and quit.  

I want to be successful at meditating because the evidence based research is overwhelmingly in favor of meditation.   Meditation can help with: weight loss, reducing chronic stress, helping to manage stressful situations, depression, managing cardiovascular disease (yep!), for recovery from illness, managing wellness, managing family, balance your hormones and so much more.  Everytime I read about the positive effects of meditation I think ‘I need to commit’.  

So here I am announcing that “I commit to meditating!”.  BUT, in order for me to be successful I know I need to approach meditating differently.  In other words, no more me sitting on a pillow hoping for the white sheet to work miracles.  Rather I’m treating this as if I’m training for a marathon.  I have to start slow; with tools that will make me successful.

So I’ve chosen two free meditation audios and I’ve reviewed them both.  The first is 10 minutes long and is guided by a female instructor.  She tells me what I need to hear and I’ve tried it and found it to be soothing and helpful.  The second meditation is guided by an Australian male,  17 minutes long (a little lengthy) but soothing and supportive as well.  No white sheets required and I seem to retain greater focus.  YES!  

This is where I need your help.  I need to create a habit.   Will you join me? For 10 minutes a day for 10 days?  Here’s the scoop:

  1. I’ve included two links for guided meditations in this blog.
    1. Cultivating Peace and Joy  (Aussie male and 17 minutes long) 
    2. A long list of other meditation options.
    3. Sending Love (Female and only 10 minutes long)
  2. You need to set 10 minutes aside for yourself to do this.  It can be at home, in the car, sitting outside or inside.  YOU Choose!
  3. You’ll need your computer, or your smartphone and ear plugs if you choose.  
  4. I’ll post throughout the 10 days appreciating your input and invite you to post and share as you please.  

Sound do-able? Are you in?

If so we’ll begin this Wednesday October 15th, 2015.  (By the way you are never too late to join)  

Looking forward to it and looking forward to hearing from YOU!

Be well,


Reduce your stress in 10 minutes or less with little effort

To all of my wonderful supporters and blog followers:

I was sent a free series of three meditations, each 10 minutes in length.  The three meditations are intended to help the individual through meditation, find a place of solace and relaxation.  The meditations also contain messages that reinforce the power of love and can help with self-image.  I did a quick test of the first meditation entitled “Sending Love” and found my shoulders dropping a few notches (I didn’t even know they were raised!). 

Please try out and use repeatedly if you feel they are of benefit to you. 

Here’s the link


I’d also love your feedback if you find yourself listening to them.

Be well,
